But if

“But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.”  Romans 11:6

But if – My daughter introduced me to Instant Messaging.  She is eleven.  She is much more proficient than I am, flashing up code words like “brb” (be right back) and “how ru”.  It is a vocabulary where words are left out in order to communicate quickly.  If you spend any time at all in the IM (Instant Messaging) world, you soon discover that unless you know the code, you have no idea what people are saying.

Paul sometimes writes in ways that leave out words needed to make his meaning crystal clear.  Grammatically this is called an elliptical expression.  Paul gets in such a hurry to communicate his thought that he skips words.  Two thousand years later, his IM code is a bit hard to decipher.

This phrase in Greek is ei de.  There is no verb here.  It literally says, “if but by grace”.  We are expected to fill in the thought.  The interesting part of this phrase is that it implies something more than just adding the pronoun and verb (“it is”).  Paul uses his IM code to imply that the subject of the “if” clause actually is the case.  It is not just a supposition.  It is a reality.  So if we were to remove the code and spell it all out, we would have, “But if it is by grace (as it actually is), then . . .”  You see, Paul is not for one moment even imagining that God’s rescue could ever be by anything other than grace.  And that is the real point of this verse.

Grace and works are entirely and utterly opposed to each other.  As soon as you say, “grace”, you automatically exclude “works” – in every form and in every way.  In fact, says Paul, if you even think works has any part at all in God’s rescue plan, then the word “grace” has no meaning.

Now you get to put the “grace” IM code to work in your life.  If you do, you will have to exclude all those symbols and phrases that spell out “works” when it comes to standing before God.  You can’t re-define “grace” in terms of your performance.  Not a single “good” act will make you any better in front of Him.  He is not waiting for you to prove yourself.  He is not demanding compliance before He will accept you.  No, it’s all grace or it’s nothing at all.  Get your Instant Messaging code straight from God.  Grace, grace and more grace.

Today:  Whenever I see a “you have to do better to be accepted” message flash on my life’s computer screen, I will remember God’s IM code.  Amazing grace.


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