
“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”  2 Corinthians 12:9

Sufficient – What’s enough for you?  Take one minute (is that enough?) to write down the answers to these “enough” questions.


  1. What’s enough time for you to finish the purpose of your life?
  2. What’s enough reward for what you have done?
  3. What’s enough love in your life to satisfy your longings?
  4. What’s enough control to give you peace?

Then answer this question from God:  What’s enough grace to make you perfect?

The really important “enough” questions are all answered the same way.  My grace is enough.  This is the nutshell version of God’s plan for your life.  It’s all about Him.  It’s His mercy, justice, holiness and purpose that matter.  And that is enough for anyone.

So many times in my life I had other answers for these questions.  I needed another few years to make it big.  I needed a few million more to make it last.  I needed a few more lovers to satisfy by desires.  I needed more control to reduce my stress.  Then God showed me that all of my “enough” answers would never be enough.  Until I let go of everything but Him, enough was always just one more thing away.

Arkeo is just the right verb.  It means, “to be sufficient”.  But is also means “to satisfy” and it implies being able to do what is required.  God says, “I am enough.  I will satisfy you.  And, by the way, I am able to do all that is required.”

If I am going to fulfill my destiny – to become like Jesus – I will have to stop trying to “be enough” for the job and let God do what only He can do.  Satisfy my soul by His grace alone.

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