
“Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.”  1 Peter 4:19

Faithful – If you are going to sign the Trust Deed (yesterday), you will have to know the character of the executor you choose.  No one signs over life’s possessions to a stranger.  No one gives total control of the business to a randomly chosen man on the street.  Character is the basis of executor choice.  If you are going to execute the Trust Deed for your life to God, you better know His character.

Peter tells us that the first character trait we need to recognize is faithfulness.  He uses the word pistos.  It’s just the word we would want to hear about the executor of our Trust Deed because it has some very powerful meanings. 









The opposite of faithful is fearful.  So, if you are anxious and in fear over the events and circumstances that come upon you, Peter tells you what to do.  Replace your fear with God’s faithfulness.  Sign the Trust Deed.  God’s character stands behind it.  You can count on Him.

This may be one of the most difficult and most important choices you will ever make.  God is not interested in “shared” ownership.  He comes ready to fulfill His promises.  But life is not a 50/50 proposition with Him.  You must sign the Deed if you want His care and protection.

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