
“as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness”  Colossians 3:12

Kindness – What does “kindness” mean to you?  Does it describe your actions when you speak a soft word in the midst of an argument?  Is it about overlooking an insult or injury?  Is it connected with giving? 

You might be surprised to know that this word is found in a very familiar passage – a passage that doesn’t seem to have anything to do with kindness.  Matthew 11:30.  Jesus says that his yoke is “kind”.  So maybe this word (chrestos) has a bit more to it than the usual idea of giving or acting pleasantly.  In fact, this word describes the inner character of a person, not necessarily the outward acts.  And once again, its ultimate example is the character of God.  Luke 6:35 tells us that God’s character of kindness shows itself in the fact that He is willing to redeem those who are His enemies.  Do you suppose that is what Jesus had in mind when he told us to love our enemies?  Are we practicing kindness toward the ones who wish to harm us or is our kindness reserved for the ones we like?

Chrestos paints a picture of inner integrity, moral strength and excellence.  It is about who I am, not what I do.  God knows that even evil people can act in ways that appear to be kind toward those whom they favor.  But only someone whose character is built on kindness can love an enemy.  So, that’s the real test, isn’t it?  Jesus was a man of godly kindness.  He was a man who offered rescue to his enemies, who forgave them from the cross and who stands ready to redeem them even now.  That is true kindness.

But it’s a long way away from how I usually act.  I’m gentle and nice to those who love me.  I even give to those in need.  But don’t ask me to bend over backwards for those who abuse me or who insult me or who wish to harm me.  I am more interested in protection than kindness.  Maybe that’s why Peter is so clear about no credit if we only love the ones who love us. 

I can’t be chrestos without Christ.  I just don’t have it in me.  Unless God enters into my soul, unless God does heart transplant surgery on me, I might be a very nice man, but I will never be an example of the kindness of God.  For that, I need to be reborn.

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