
“You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness”  Exodus 20:4

Likeness – The point is not statues or symbols.  The point is service.  God says that we are not to make any representation of His essential character that assumes His position in our lives.  He comes first.  And He will not share that position with anything, especially anything that tries to represent Him. 

In the context of Exodus, the word temunah meant physical idols.  The Israelites came from a culture filled with representations of gods.  Frogs, half men-birds, lions, bugs.  You might consider the plagues of Egypt from this perspective.  God took Egyptian deities and turned them into nasty plagues (frogs, for example).  But for us, the idea of likeness is hidden.  We don’t usually worship cows, frogs and birds.

But we certainly worship other kinds of symbols.  Flags, currency, titles, credentials and numbers come quickly to mind.  Worship, as we have seen, is the decision about priorities.  What comes first?  Idolatry is the decision to put a representation of God or His creation in the place of God the Creator.

What comes first?  God or freedom?

What comes first?  God or security?

What comes first?  God or nationality?

What comes first?  God or finances?

What comes first?  God or family?

What comes first?  God of friendships?

What comes first?  God or church?

What comes first?  God or life?

Each of these possibilities can be represented by a likeness.  But God says, “Nothing can share My glory.  No likeness can represent Me.”  No likeness.  Not even the “good” ones.  This commandment is about the images that reflect your top priorities. 

Next time you handle a dollar bill, ask yourself what likeness you serve.  Next time you attend church, ask yourself what matters most?  And when you vote, ask yourself what authority you obey?


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