
“Hear, my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching;”  Proverbs 1:8

Teaching – Who laid down the law in the home where you grew up?  If you experienced that era where Father was off to work early every day, the chances are pretty good that Mother was the rule maker.  Her authority usually was established early in life.  And when you got out of line, there was always that terrible threat, “Just wait ’till your father gets home.”

In this verse, God tells us that He has a plan for raising children.  His plan involves both parents.  The father’s role is instruction.  The mother’s role is teaching.  But if you knew the Hebrew words here, you would have a much richer picture. 

What imagery do you have when you think about the mother’s role in the home?  Do you feel the comfort, the constant and watchful care, the compassion?  Do you have that warm feeling of love and bonding?  Do you remember what it was like to have her soothe your hurts and hold you when you cried?  Mothers are meant to be emotional and physical providers of deep acceptance.  Mothers are designed by God to be the first line of defense and the greatest advocates. 

Now take all of that wonderful imagery and place it squarely in this verse.  In God’s plan, mothers communicate the torah – teaching is the word for LAW!  Suddenly you realize that the Law was never meant to be a cruel taskmaster, devoid of feeling and interested only in producing guilt.  The Law has the characteristics of my mother.  It is designed to comfort me, to console me, the nurture me, to direct me in the paths of love and goodness.  The Law is my mother of obedience (go look at 1 Peter for that one). 

If my attitude toward God’s law is fear or anger or rebellion, I have not understood the emotional quality of the Law.  The Law is God’s expression of Her care for me.  Just like my mother.  God will never give up on me.  She brought me into this world and I belong to Her.  The Law is Her way of saying, “I love you so much that I have done everything I can to prepare you for life”.

What is your attitude toward God’s Law?  Who’s your Mother now?


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