Who Will Help Us?

For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand, Who says “Do not fear, I will help you.”  Isaiah 41:13  NASB

Help – It takes a long time to get to the place where we ask for help.  We often know we need help but there is something in us that continues to shout, “I’m not going to give up.  I can do it my way.  I don’t care!”  This is a symptom of normal insanity.  It is normal, all right, but it is insane.  It is the belief that doing the same thing we did before will magically result in different consequences.  But we always end up in the same place, don’t we?  We are fighting against the way God designed the world to work and all of our shouting won’t change it.

The Hebrew word translated “help” comes from the root azar meaning “to rescue or save or to excuse.”  The general sense is military assistance, but in the Psalms God’s help arrives in personal intervention during illness (Ps. 28:7), oppression (Ps. 54:4), and great personal distress (Ps. 86:17).  That’s the kind of help most of us really need – very personal, very direct, very crucial.  Knowing there is a lifeguard station on the beach doesn’t matter much when you are drowning in the middle of the lake.  You need someone close at hand.  That’s the help God promises.

When we finally become willing to surrender all of our ego prancing, we realize we desperately need help.  We reach the end of ourselves at last.  Our surrender is the declaration of our inner bankruptcy.  We just can’t do it.  Calling on God at this point could be a fearful experience.  We have been so used to failure and disappointment.  We might fear that God will also find us unworthy; that He will refuse to help because we have turned away so many times.  But God is not like that.  God promises to rescue the moment we depend completely on Him.  If God can say, “Do not fear,” what is there to really be afraid of?  Only the voice of our old self could be bold enough to call God a liar.  The truth is in God’s word.  He stands ready and willing to help.  That inner old voice has been lying to us all along.  We need to believe what God says in spite of the fact that we have trained ourselves not to believe even what we say.  Remember the admonition, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”  Today the question is:  Will I believe God’s promise or will I believe my past emotions?

If you’re like me, you have discovered that you have been lying to yourself for a long time.  You have been making promises that you never keep.  But all that past history doesn’t change God’s word.  Your failures do not set aside His commitment.  Your inner voice can’t be trusted, but His voice can be.  God does what He says – every time.  So push aside those “personally validated” doubts.  Your opinion doesn’t matter here.    Stop evaluating and trust what He says.  Help waits for you.

Topical Index:  help, ‘azar, rescue, promise, Isaiah 41:13



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Juliet Smith

Greetings. I must say that I am truly blessed by today’s word! I have been struggling with believing God’s promise and it was only last night I could admit that I’m in an emotional bondage from my past. Although a trained Counselling Psychologist, it is sometimes hard to accept and act upon my own advice. I do believe that we interpret things through the lens of our past experiences and I convinced myself it was not so about me.

But I ask myself this, ‘If God’s promises are true and binding, why am I always hurting?’ I then realize that it’s the way I perceive information and interpret that causes me all this pain and not necessarily what the information is.

Skip, I’m truly blessed to find this website and grateful to you for placing me on your mailing list. With all honesty I stumbled upon it when I was debating with my male friend the role of a woman for our Women and Religion class.

I believe that your work is really important as there may be many others like me, who God is talking to through your work.

Continue to be blessed and my the peace of God be with you always.


Jan Carver

good word for me today – unemployment ceased as of this sunday – house payment is made for this month but no income after that & bills are due this month that i cannot i pay – about a $100 in the bank & $50 in cash on hand – i do have food assistance but that’s not much good if you don’t have roof over your head!!! YES, GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT CAN HELP NOW & I KNOW THEY ARE CAPABLE BUT IT DOES GET SCARY!!!

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns–01/03/12:
The battle has been fierce and the demands on your life have been great, even weighing you down at times. But, I want you to lift up your eyes. Look to the heights and remember that I am your help in times of trouble. I want you to take flight in the Spirit and rise above the things that have kept you earthbound. Put your complete hope and trust in Me, says the Lord. I will cause your heart to sing again.

Psalm 121:1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the hills-From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.

UNDER HIS WINGS 4 SURE… ♥♥♥=♥ + ♥=me & HIM


Judi Baldwin

Praise God for your new employment and house payment made! I’ll be praying that the remaining financial issues are soon alleviated. Yes, what a timely message from Skip…for ALL of us.
I’m still learning to trust and reach out to “take the help that waits for me.”

Powerful message and just what I needed to read today. I’m continually baffled at how we humans can take something that is SO easy and make it SO hard. Yes, “normal insanity” is a good explanation…but, the good news is that we don’t have to stay in that state!!! THANKS for the reminder.

Jan Carver

Judi, i hope you are speaking prophetically because i don’t have any new employment – i have no income at this point sure praying God/Jesus come through for me soon – sure don’t want to loose my house & need to pay bills – about the only way you can apply for jobs are on the internet – very seldom do you apply with an application from the companies – everything is done on the internet & that costs also… maybe you thought i meant i have a job because i stated “unemployment ceased today by which i meant i have no more unemployment benefits after this sunday – no income now at all… 🙁

SO – I RECEIVE THIS IN FAITH “Praise God for your new employment and house payment made!” jan

carl roberts

Jan, you are on the cusp of a great discovery! This time of crisis (you will soon find out) has not been random, but Providential- for your Father is soon (if not already) to reveal His grace to you in marvelous fashion! (The eyes of your understanding being enlightened).
I don’t quite know why (this is the LORD’s doings and it is marvelous in our eyes) but He speaks in a clearer voice during times of crisis. G-d “shows up” and in no small way! (He’s never late!) during times of distress.
The testing is far from over, but you will know (experientially)- Your Father not only loves you, but is intricately and intimately involved in ever detail of your life! (as in the very hairs of your head are numbered!)
I am very excited for you and hold great expectations for the year 2012! Now a question from the fool: Is He worthy of our praise?- and is He trustworthy?

Jan Carver

you know Carl, i really know you are right & i receive all that you state toward me & about me because i feel it too – that is when i am not battling fear!!! i know that He will take care of me & be my Provision & yes, i do believe i am being tested & when i keep my eyes on Jesus i am okay but i sink in the water just like Peter when fear overcomes me…

and thank you for encouraging me – it is good to hear coming from others – i do try to encourage myself & i am way better at it now than a year ago & really He has never let me down on anything this year i have been unemployed – i have enjoyed every minute of it with HIM & in HIM….

i would prefer not to re-enter the corp world but do volunteer work in the eradication of human trafficking but some how the house payment & bills/utilities have to be paid/made – but i also know HE can meet all my needs according to His riches in glory… and that’s lots & lots so i need not worry but at times i do… shame on me… jan

Melinda Lancaster

This was extremely encouraging.

Thank you!


Thanks, Skip, for this great article today!! I have discovered that any area of my life for which I have no hope is under the influence of a lie. Praise YHWH that He brings TRUTH to set me free!


“But all that past history doesn’t change God’s word.”
This is much to praise Him for!!! The double-edged sword…works both ways:
Convicts and Encourages and He can do it simultaneously…what a mighty G-d we serve.

Judi Baldwin

Hi Jan,
Apparently I misunderstood your comment. When you said, “unemployment ceased as of this Sunday,” I thought that meant you were no longer unemployed. Perhaps you meant to write, “employment ceased.”
At any rate, my apologies. I thought you had a new job and were able to make your house pmt. this month and on the road to recovery within a few more months. I’m sorry to hear that’s not the case.
I’ll definitely keep you in my prayers and believe Carl’s words below. He’s such an encourager!!

Jan Carver

thanks Judi & i will still hang on to this also: SO – I RECEIVE THIS IN FAITH “Praise God for your new employment and house payment made!” jan




I would like to have the author’s name of the book that you recommended 12/30/11 titled:
“Guardian Angel”

In the comments you said: “I can only suggest that you read Guardian Angel. I think that will clarify the husband and wife roles, but it might not be what you think it is.”

Thank you in advance. God uses your posts to teach me wonderful things so exact that I know it
is from His hand.

Jan Carver

Dorothy, my name is Jan Carver & i frequent this site daily & i will provide the link here to the page where you can order the book “Guardian Angel” – the author is Skip Moen which is the author also of this site…


jan carver