How to Help Bessy

As you know, Bessy’s husband died in an accident just a few weeks ago.  We were all praying for him when he disappeared.  It now appears that for some reason his car went out of control and he was killed instantly in the crash, but the car went over a cliff and it was four days before they found him.  Bessy is a dear member of our community.  Now it’s time to help her.

I just spoke with her this moment.  She asks for continuing prayer.  The blow to her boys has been terrible and all the family has suffered.  He was only 48.

Italo lived in the United States for some time and he has a storage unit in Wilmington, NC.  Bessy now needs to travel there, sort out his possessions and ship what she will keep back to their home in Honduras.  She needs:

1. Money for the air ticket

2. Money for shipping things back

3. A recommendation for a shipping company

4. Any additional assistance from someone close to Wilmington if necessary

If you can help, please let me know.  You may email me or respond to this notice with a reply.  We are committed to do exactly these kinds of things for everyone in our community, widows especially, as the Lord commands.

Thank you.



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Skip, I thank the LORD for this opportunity to help this widow. First, I will be donating $100 on your website (unless you would prefer another method) to be targeted for Bessy’s hands, and secondly, I live within a four hour drive of Wilmington, NC if she needs me. Blessings…

Judi Baldwin

I too will put a check for $100 in the mail this morning. If, after all the donations are in, she needs more, let me know and I’ll send another check.

Thank you Skip for organizing this effort to help. And may G-d give Bessy and her boys an extra dose of peace and comfort. May they feel the love of the community.

Bessy, que Dio les bendiga a ti y a tus hijos!
Abrazos fuertes.


I am about one hour from Wilmington, can schedule a day to assist if needed.


Hi Skip,

I’ll send some money today.

Brett Duncan

Hi Skip,

My company has 2 locations in Wilmington, NC. I will give them a call on Monday to see if they can help with stagging/shipping.

Brett Duncan

Kevin Smith

Hi Skip – My name is Theresa and Kevin is a friend of ours – he lives in Wilmington and works closely with the hispanice ministry there that is led by a good friend of his who is from Honduras. He responded that if you could put him in touch with Bessy he is sure they can help. I put his name and email above. Bless you!