Ruth and Rebekah

Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, “Blessed be he of the LORD, who has not failed in His kindness to the living or to the dead!”  Ruth 2:20  JPS

Has not failed – What does Ruth have to do with Rebekah?  If you read the two stories in Hebrew, you would be struck by the repeated phrase lo-azav hasdo (has not abandoned his hesed).   This phrase is found in the mouth of Abraham’s servant when Rebekah appears at the well (Genesis 24:27).  Eskenazi points out that this phrase occurs only twice in the Tanakh,[1] so it would be hard to miss the connection.  While the pronoun in this verse in Ruth is ambiguous (does it refer to God or to Boaz?), the statement in Genesis is quite clear.  God is the subject of lo-azav hasdo.

This little linguistic link highlights three important points.  First, of course, is the fact that if you read the Tanakh in any other language you will probably miss these exquisite clues.  Just like the name of the Messiah, Yeshua, is only a play on the word “salvation” only in Hebrew (which is why the name “Jesus” conveys nothing about this connection), so we find many, many connections between stories and people only in Hebrew.  The first lesson of lo-azav hesed is that translations fail us.

The second lesson is not so pleasant.  Many scholars argue that Ruth is fiction.  They make this claim because, among other things, they find these Hebrew word connections too contrived to be actual events.  As we study Ruth, we will find many word plays, allusions and clues to other Hebrew verses.  Some scholars consider these indications that the author of Ruth fabricated the story in order to artificially produce these connections.  Ruth becomes a teaching tool, not an actual record of real people.  I don’t agree, but I do notice that even those who challenge the historical authenticity of Ruth recognize these connections.  So how can we who believe the story is real ignore them!  I believe that Ruth reflects a culture saturated with God’s language and God’s history.  It wouldn’t surprise me to find these clues any more than it surprises me to find allusions to American historical events in the cultural idioms of contemporary American English.

The third lesson is a puzzle.  Naomi speaks of God not abandoning His hesed to the dead.  But in what way does God show hesed to the dead?  Even some of the rabbis struggled with this idea.  On this basis, they claimed that the pronoun must refer to Boaz.  But this cannot be the case in Genesis so it seems unlikely in Ruth.  That leaves us with the question, “What is hesed for the dead?”  What does it mean to show benevolence, to take on obligation, to pass on favor to someone who has died?  Perhaps the puzzle of Ruth 2:20 can’t be answered yet.  Perhaps we need to rethink our idea that “dead and gone” is the final act of life.

Topical Index:  has not failed, lo-azav, hesed, Genesis 24:27, Ruth 2:20, dead

[1] Tamara Eskenazi and Tikva Frymer-Kensky, Ruth: The JPS Bible Commentary, p. 43.

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Kees Brakshoofden

Matthew 22:31-33. He calls himself the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. He is not a God of the dead, but of the living. With this Yeshua points to the certainty of the ressurection.

Even as the offspring of Noomi seems dead as can be, Gods promisses will come true!

Roy W Ludlow

The last sentence is such a tease. It will give me something to ponder today.

Daniel Perkins

You once said that the best sleep you had was Sheol sleep. During that time are you not being blessed? Wouldn’t our father want us to enjoy a blessed sleep as we await His new evening and morning? The thought makes me smile!

Michael and Arnella Stanley

Does YHWH’s hesed apply to the dead? Yes, think of the people raised from the dead in the Tanak: Elijah raised the  son of the Zarephath widow,
Elisha raised up the son of Shunammite woman, 
Elisha’s bones raise up a dead man. Were these works of miracles just hesed to the mothers of the sons who were raised and not to the boys themselves who once dead were returned to life to supposedly have had long and fruitful lives and perhaps leaving children to carry on their heritage? And in the Newer Testament  Yeshua raised the widow’s son at Nain, Jairus’ daughter  and Lazarus; the same question applies-wasn’t hesed extended to the dead as well as the living?    Not to mention the multiple unknown number of saints that came forth from their graves at Messiah’s death and roamed the streets of Jersualem. Later,  Paul raised Eutychus when he fell from the window during a long Havidalaj service, Peter raised Dorcas-again  all lead to the same question regarding hesed to the dead and presumably the same answer. Of course, the greatest raising from the dead was the raising of Yeshua himself  from the tomb after 3 days and nights. He is the first fruits of those who will yet be raised unto “eternal life”. So is there hesed after death? Yes, Virginia  there is …and it is that very promise of hesed after the final curtain that gives us hope of a glorious future.  If there is no ressurection, then as Shaul argues in I Corinthians 15:9 “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable”. But I see no misery in my brothers and sisters here or elsewhere that I look – trouble, struggles, trials, sickness, persecution and yes, even death, but not misery or hopelessness. “He is risen” remains one of the three greatest words of hesed ever spoken. YHWH is an eternal Elohim and so are His gifts and callings. Thank you Yah!


Robin Jeep

It seems to me that YHWH is showing kindness to Ruth’s deceased husband/Naomi’s son by caring for his wife and mother.


Hebrew alerts you to the connection of two different stories….this brings a question. I’ll supply the briefest of background needed to frame it.

I recently enjoyed a sermon about waiting on God and trusting Him. The teacher used for an example Sarah and Abraham. Since it had been so many years, and the promise of a child hadn’t happened, Sarah felt like God had forgotten her so she planned her own way to obtain the promise. Point being anytime we take up our own plans instead of trusting, we’re on a very slippery slope. (amen!) So Sarah reached for a legal and culturally accepted way of giving her maidservant to her husband so she could be the mother of the child.
He said that Sarah repeated the sin in the garden and so did Abraham. Abraham said nothing, just took what his wife offered and fully engaged.

Since he spoke of the connection visible in Hebrew, my question is: have you written on this? I’d appreciate being pointed to the TW if you have, and will say thanks ahead of time.


I’m sorry the comments on “Sarah, A life of Discount” are closed.
But not much stops me, so I’ll comment here. (smiling)
Clap, clap, clap! You did a very fine, interesting job of that!

I wish you’d write more in that style. It was much longer than more recent articles, more detailed, more cross referenced. Sweeter. Sadder. Glorified God brilliantly. Painted God the Everlasting Champion, sparkled with His mercy.

Sometimes you sound angry now when you write. No doubt part of that is the headache I give you.

Between what you gave and what the Holy Spirit supplied via rememberance while I read, I criss-cross long centuries. Understood more. Things not even in the text swept over me, like my conclusion that God needs no man’s hand to steady the ark or to uphold the little boat Yeshua slept in.
(Where is your faith?) He asked when they woke Him. Never ‘wake’ Jesus/Yeshua, simply TRUST that He will do as He said — get us to the other side.

Ann Hanks

Thanks Skip
Thanks to this site and the comments to it I am studying more, thinking more, and praying more, and getting excited again.

Get how does one access these articles you mention? Is there an index?

carl roberts

~ For this reason the Messiah died and returned to life, so that He might become the LORD of both the dead and the living ~ (He is LORD of all!)

~ The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD has made even both of them ~ (Proverbs 20.12)

What can a blind man see? Nothing. He is blind. What can a deaf man hear? Nothing. He is deaf. What life does a dead man have? None. He is dead.

~ That you will open their eyes, so that they will turn from the darkness to the Light and from the authority of satan to God; and they shall receive release from sins and a portion with the set apart ones by the faith which is in me ~ (Acts 26.18)

Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” (Luke 18:40-42)

~ testifying “both” to Jews and to Greeks repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ ~ (Acts 20.21)

I dont claim to be a rocket scientist, nor the sharpest pencil in the box, but Paul seems to present a pattern here.. “all” have sinned and are in need of “both” a Savior (to deliver from sin) and a Mediator-Intercessor-Advocate- ONE who is able to present us faultless before the Throne.

~ By the body of His flesh and through His death, to establish you before Him as set apart (holy) ones without blemish and without an indictment ~ (Colossians 1.22)

Ephesians has been (rightly) called “The Switzerland of the N.T.” In reading chapter 2, the inspired (God-breathed) perignations of Paul and the promises from Above contained within it are such delights and comforts to the soul:

And you (who?) were dead (separated) in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— among whom we all (all) once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature (and by choice) the children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. ~But God..~ ,(selah!) being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead (dead, as in “no life”) in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved— and has raised us up with Him (shoutin’ time yet?) and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, (have a seat-stay awhile) so that in the coming ages He might show the immeasurable riches of His grace in His kindness (chesed) toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, (God, the Master Craftsman, did this) created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (for our Master/Teacher also, “went about doing good..”)

We are Now -One in Christ- (saved-sealed-seated-secure)

Therefore remember, (zakar) that at one time you Gentiles in the flesh, called “the uncircumcision” by what is called the circumcision, which is made in the flesh by hands— remember that you were at that time separated (dead) from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. ~ But now in Christ Jesus..~ (shoutin’ time once again!) you who once were far off have been brought near -by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who has made us “both” (both Jew and Gentile, both male and female-all have been re-created) one (a plurality in unity) and has broken down in His flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, (Calvary is not spelled “do”- it is spelled “done!”) that He might create in Himself (“..bring him to Me”) one new man (shoutin’ again!) in place of the two, so making peace, (Shalom!) and might reconcile us both (all y’all..) to God in one body through the cross, (the wonderful cross!) thereby killing the hostility. And He came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through Him we ‘both’ (all) have access in one Spirit to the Father. (the veil of the Temple has been torn in two!) So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, (don’t be a stranger!) but you (!) are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the Cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the LORD. ~ In Him ~ you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.

(Romans 8.31) ~ What, then, shall we say in response to this? Since God is for us, -who can be against us? ~

What more can He say than to you He hath said—

To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?



I see suffering held up as the example to follow:

1 Pet. 2:21: “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.” Peter describes the various sufferings and concluded, “Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God”(1 Pet. 4:1-2).

We are to fight against the old human nature that still dwells in us, — so the Spirit will fill us and control our life. This is our sanctification process and makes us the OVERCOMMERS Christ wants us to be.

I do not see that it is possible to have a crossless salvation.

We are told to follow Him by carrying our cross. Uncomfortable at best, and full of suffering and pain. Ones without a cross to carry walk at a faster speed. People stare and mock and laugh anyone who would carry such a thing. It also means we can only travel a designated path, we can’t go in and out just any old door. But that is how Yeshua/Jesus wants us to live, — be in the world but not of it. A new creation in Christ does not fit into the world’s ways anymore. A narrow, designated road takes effort; the wide road is effortless.

Jesus/Yeshua was nailed to His cross. That’s commitment! not lightly set aside. We miss what God wants to work out in our life by avoiding suffering for Christ.

“But rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings… if you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified” (1 Peter 4:13-14).

What I don’t see: if you are reproached for following Torah, blessed are you.


I’m sorry everyone, this was supposed to go on “Paul and the Jews”

carl roberts

Where does the (false) idea that grace replaced obedience come from? It is rather God’s grace that frees us to obey. And Who was the most obedient Man ever to have lived? It is, (no doubt in this man’s mind) – the LORD Jesus Himself. And His words to us who belong to Him are “follow Me”. Do as I do. Live as I live. Give. Love. Laugh. Sacrifice.
The Law (was and is continuously ) our SchoolMaster to bring us to Christ. I have come to the conclusion and confession- His words (alone) are true and just. Mom was right: ~ whatever He says unto you- “do it” ~
Sin is the transgression of the Law. Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? And the ‘answer’ is? No.- And not only no, but “God forbid”.
Are there 613 rules for righteous living? Where do these “rules” come from? What is the origin.. what is the Source? If is comes from God and from His words- then yes.. “do it”- for the Law of the LORD is perfect. Whatever He says unto you- “do it”.
Remember and do. Faith is not just ‘believing’- the demons also believe and tremble. I hate to see a demon with more faith than me, but at least they tremble when God speaks. Me? I just go on my merry (ignorant/apathetic) way.. or- I do something about “what He says..”- I obey. I “shema” the Savior.
Trust and obey, for there is no other way- to be happy (blessed) “in Jesus”-but to trust and obey.
Is obedience “optional” for the Christian? Was “obedience” optional for Christ? No.- and the servant (me) is not above His Master.
The veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The way to the holy of holies has been totally (for lack of a better word) “redone”. This “access” was accomplished by Christ. We all (both Jew and Gentile- even Republicans!)- have equal access unto the throne of Grace. Any Christian who would let a Jew “do more” under the Law than he or she would do under grace- is a disgrace to grace!
Before I became a Christian, was I (at all) interested in obedience? Friends, -not a chance- I was a rebel against God and against anything that ‘restricted’ my desires. Life with no fences. No guard, no guide- living life unfettered- whatever “I” wanted goes. I am the Captain of my fate. “I” am the Master of my soul. “I” had an “I” problem, just like King Nebuchadnezzar- it was all about “me.” And then came Christ- the Game Changer.
What a wonderful “change” in my life has been wrought, since Jesus came into my heart. Change, big change- as in, “all things new” -change. Desires of the heart and of the mind completely (again for lack of a better word) “flipped.” Instead of running “to” sin, now I am running “from”. Instead of leaping into sin and loving it, now I lapse into sin and loathe it! I (truly) hate sin.- Why? Because dear friends, what was it that nailed my Savior to His cross? Was it the Jews? No. Was it the Romans? No. Christ died for sinners. Jewish sinners. Gentile sinners. Republicans (I’m hard on the Republicans today) also. From the uttermost to the guttermost- Christ died for the sins of the world. He was (and remains) the atoning (covering) propitiating Sacrifice for sin.
He has said, (and we do pay attention to His words- right?)- “without Me- you (sir), you (m’am) can do nothing.” The Christian life is not difficult, -it is impossible. Impossible without Christ, ah.. but “in Christ”- I can do all things- including live a life of obedience to His instructions. Do this- don’t do that. Love God and love people. Pray without ceasing- (is this part of our Torah instruction?) Did God say that? “pray without ceasing?” – “Love one another with a pure heart fervently?” Do we need go on?- Is there “more?” Absolutely. Always. Why?
Because Christ is the Standard. Christ is the Measure. Christ is the fulness of YHWH. If we want to know how to live,laugh, love- we need look no further than Him. ~ Look unto Me and be saved- all the ends of the earth ~ Not rules. Not religion. Relationship. “Looking unto”- (a fixed focus) Jesus, the Author and Perfecter/Completer of our faith. ONE LORD. ONE Faith. ONE Baptism. For you all (y’all) were baptized by ONE Spirit into ONE Body. His Body. We are members one of another, and ~ as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God ~ (2 Corinthians 5.20)
How can any sinner be reconciled unto the thrice-holy God? Sirs, ~ what must I do to be saved? ~
Calvary is not spelled “do” – it is spelled “done.” It is finished. Paid in full. Complete. Final. One Sacrifice for sins forever.
~With His own blood–not the blood of goats and calves–He entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever ~ (Hebrews 9.12)

Once for all, O sinner, receive it,

Once for all, O brother, believe it;

Cling to the cross, -the burden will fall,

Christ hath redeemed us once for all.

Ann Hanks

Skip what am I doing wrong. No don’t answer that could embarrassing and lengthy. : ) However I am having trouble accessing the search function on the home page. I would like to read the Sarah article you recently mentioned but keep getting a note nothing like it exists. ??? Plus I can get only a few articles on one page, but no others. I understand the principle of junk in junk out but am only moderately computer literate. Any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


. . . maybe I get it to you before he has time . . . excellent article