Sunset near Ibiza


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John Offutt

Beautiful. A few minutes ago the sky was firey red as the sun was just about to peek over the ridges of east Tennessee. Now it had risen in an awsome blue sky and the first rays are kissing the back of the house and a few are stealing through the oak trees now the most of the leaves are down and bouncing off the screen of my computer here in the sun room. I never cease to be amazed at the simple wonders that God provides every day.

Gayle Johnson

I love to see these beautiful photos! They just make one stop and enjoy what the Creator has painted for us! Thanks, Skip!

And thanks to you, John, for the very descriptive picture you have painted with words!

Olive Oesch

Another of God’s glorious gifts to us…and Free …and we Need…Thanks Skip and most of all thank you our creator of our universe.

Judi Baldwin

Better than a Vincent Van Gogh!!

Judi Baldwin

A friend just sent this to me…more things to be grateful/thankful for. It falls just short of acknowledging G-d as the “giver,” but, it my opinion, it was “implied.”
Acknowledged or not…we all know who the “Gift Giver” is.

It’s 9 minutes long. Well worth it.


Judi Baldwin,

There is a deep longing in the people of the world for beauty and connection. We were created for so much more . . .

Great video! Thanks for sharing.