The Great Commission

So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”  John 20:21  NASB

As the Father has sent – Mention the “Great Commission” and nearly all evangelicals will immediately cite Matthew 28:19.  “Go, therefore, . . .” is the usual translation, but as we have learned, Hebrew evangelism is about going along through life living out the message, not about jumping on a plane to Jordan in order to deliver a message of “repent or perish.”  Yeshua’s evangelical method consisted of invitation, not intimidation.  His phrase was not “Follow me or else.”  He was consistent with the general approach of Judaism, an approach that attracts by character and way of life rather than by sermon and altar call.  Once we have revised our thinking about the “commission” of Matthew 28:19, we need to take another look at this verse.  It reveals something quite different than the usual missionary justification.

Here’s the real question.  If Yeshua sends us as the Father sent Him, don’t we need to know how the Father sent Him and why the Father sent Him if we are going to fulfill this requirement?  The question is not as obvious as we might think, especially once we remove the penchant to view Yeshua’s command in missionary terms.  So how did the Father send Him?  It seems to me that the answer must include the following:  as a full participant in his culture and ethnicity, as a fellow-traveler in life, as one who heard and obeyed all the Father said, as one who understood his purpose, as one who demonstrated total and unquestioning commitment to prior revelation, as one who lived an exemplary life, as one who prayed with passion, as one who came to establish the Kingdom on earth.  This last observation seems to be on Yeshua’s mind when He introduces this commission with the word “Peace.”  Of course, He didn’t say “Eirene” (as the Greek text records).  He said “Shalom,” the Hebrew equivalent of continuous well-being with God and men.  It is the same message given by the angels at His birth and an appropriate bookend for His concluding request.

But notice that His word choice does not suggest “Go and tell everyone to accept Me as Savior so that they can get to heaven.”  It is peace on earth that is the message.  Do you suppose that Yeshua is asking us to bring about the Kingdom here?  That would be consistent with His insistence that the “Kingdom of heaven is at hand.”  But how many of us really think that our task is to bring righteousness to earth rather than usher people into heaven?

There is another clue in this verse that upsets the evangelical mantra.  The Father sent the Son into the world to remove the defilement of death and provide the conclusive sign that the God of life rules over all creation.  Yes, I know that most of us were taught that Yeshua came into the world to forgive us of our sins, but John, Peter and the author of Hebrews (not to mention all of the witnesses in the Tanakh) all tell us that forgiveness was accomplished before the foundation of the earth.  The cross is about death, power and kingdoms, as Yeshua makes quite clear before Pilate.  If this is true, then the Father sent the Son to secure the Kingdom and He did this by utterly obeying all that the Father previously revealed.  That’s what we call Torah.  How do I bring righteousness into the world?  By living Torah.  Living Torah changes things and by living Torah I become a magnet that attracts others.  This is an absolute historical fact of the ancient world even if it is suppressed by the Church today.  This is why Jews do not act like Jehovah’s Witnesses.  They do not knock on your door, shove a newsletter at you and invite you to church.  They live quiet lives of obedience and if you become aware of their commitment and character, you might just find yourself drawn to them.

How did the Father send the Son?  Gently.  In disguise.  Among us.

Why did the Father send the Son?  We don’t even have to guess.  “For this purpose I came into the world,” says Yeshua.  What was that purpose?  Oh, you’ll have to read John’s earlier account in chapter 18.  Then you will need to ask, “Am I going in the same way the Father sent the Son?”

You might find it interesting that the Greek words are apostello (with its obvious association to an English term) and kathosKathos, translated here by “as,” includes the idea of performing to the same degree and in the same manner.  It’s just one more preposition that demands we ask, “Do I actually live in the same manner that He did?”  If you are going to be one sent (an apostle), then this is the primary requirement.  If you don’t live it, you can’t preach it.

Topical Index:  John 20:21, as the Father sent, apostello, kathos, John 18:37

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Brett R

God is love. His son is His express(ed) image. The very personification of love. He is the living word and it is a word of love. He gives us his spirit and it is a spirit not of fear but of love and power. Jesus did works on the sabbath for the sake of love. He touched the impure for the sake of love. He communed with sinners (I doubt prostitutes and tax collectors were scrupulously kosher) for the sake of love. The written law is given as a picture of love. It shows what the fruit of love would look like. It is a guide for a will(mind) that acknowledges God and his righteousness to rule over an as yet unreconciled heart; a heart still inclined to evil rather than good. But you can fulfill the entire law(if this were possible) and still not have love. You could speak with the tongues of men and angels, but if you dont have love, you have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. But love fulfills the law. When your heart is reconciled to God, there is no need for written rules. Love is unbound. When the perfect comes(perfect love) then that which is in part(the picture or shadow) will be done away. It is not necessary. There will not be a written law in the world to come. If obedience were the goal, God would have created us robots or just stopped with the angels. Love is the goal and it cannot be instilled at creation but must chosen freely and learned through experiences. The law shepards us in the wilderness til we get to the promised land(perfect love; shalom). Moses (the personification of the law) took Israel up to the promised land and even showed them what it looked like, but he did not enter in.

David F.

You said, “It (the law) shows what the fruit of love would look like.” But then say, “When your heart is reconciled to God, there is no need for written rules (knowing what the fruit of love looks like).” I completely agree with the first statement. But how can it show me what the fruit of love looks like then I have no need for it? How do I know if the “fruit’ is the fruit of the Vine? If the law reveals what the fruit (love fruit) looks like and Jesus says in John 15 that this is how His Father is glorified (by bearing fruit), then it would behoove me to know and follow what it looks like, dare I say, as I am being led by the Spirit. I do understand what you are saying I think….that one can “keep” the external requirements of the law and not love….but at the same time I believe one can “say” they love without fulfilling law.

Let me simplify (for myself) 1 John 5:3 says, “This is the love of God, that we keep His (God’s) commandments…..” If keeping His commands IS His love. Then I must apply that to 1 Corinthians 13, the “love” chapter. Insert “keep His commands” every time you read love and I think it makes more sense, at least to me.

John Adam

“Preach the Gospel at all times…if necessary use words.” Whether it was Mother Teresa or someone else who first coined this phrase, I heard it repeated yesterday in a sermon, and the argument used was “if we don’t say why we help or are kind to people they will just think we are nice and we will be glorified instead of God.’

I beg to differ – to say things like “I’m doing this because Jesus loves you’ is rather manipulative in my view, and can come across as insincere; what Skip writes about today makes much more sense to me. In addition, who knows how the Holy Spirit will work in the lives of the people with whom we come into contact? ‘The wind blows where it will…’


When you say we must live the Torah, would you say this is the same as ‘walking in the Spirit, so that we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh?’


I am thoroughly enjoying your studies. I am encouraged, inspired and challenged as I read them. Granted, some of what you say is difficult for me to wrap my mind around, having not come from the Jewish culture. But the journey is exciting. Thankyou!

Rich Pease

Matthew 28:19 and John 20:21 are not mutually exclusive.
There are the same!

You can’t send anyone, or direct anyone to go with a message,
unless they’ve been changed, unless that message has deeply
turned them around and they have newly become the total reality
of the Messenger Himself.

The key to that newness is what happened next in John 20:22 . . .
“And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them;
“Receive the Holy Spirit.”

In that moment, new spiritual power was breathed into them
as they received the same Spirit of the living God that empowered
Jesus’ life . . . and His resurrection.

Yes, I agree, all the living qualities and virtues of obedience and purpose
that Jesus lived and passed on to His disciples, as Skip notes, were components.
But without the power of the Holy Spirit, no men in themselves can carry out the work
of the Lord, whether it was bringing His peace through their lives or showing forth
the righteouness of Christ also shown forth through the living of their new lives.
And love? God is love. And if we have received Him and His Spirit within us,
it’s indeed quite possible His love can show forth from our hearts and hands, too.

So when Jesus again spoke to His disciples in Mat 28:19, He knew they had the Holy Spirit
and, thus, were truly ready to go! And, yes, of course, it was their choice to do so.

I also agree Jesus, and us, have come into this world in disguise. We look just like
everyone else. But . . . we come with a gentle, quiet power!

No better demonstration of this then, that took place in early Acts, when Peter and John were
confronted by a crippled man asking them for money. What happened next surely surprised
Peter and John as well as all the on-lookers. Spirit power does that!

“Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you:
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand
and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. So he, leaping up,
stood and walked and entered the temple with them — walking, leaping, and praising God.” Acts 3:6-8

We’ve got the message. And we have faith.
Now, we’re asked to LIVE it!

Rich Pease

Foot note and correction:

Matt 28:19 was spoken before Jn 20:21 -22.


Good lesson today Skip.

In reference to Jewish evangelism I have wondered of late, if the primary means of introduction to God was still Jewish style evangelism would the western world have had the same amount of influence of the scripture, as incomplete as you believe that is, as it does or at least had at one time? The key word in that sentence is “amount.” Would as many people been positively effected?

Did the more muscular “in your face,” “turn or burn,” proactive, door knocking style of preaching bring more people into some degree of obedience to Him and spread at least a modicum of change for the better to a wider audience?

John Adam

An interesting question…


Interesting question!

Prostitution introduces more people to the pleasures of prohibited sex than Torah permitted sex but does it bring about the manifestation of the character of God in accordance to His image which is the purpose for which we were created?

Yeshua brought us the kingdom through the means of teaching us by His example of how to live out the words of life as He spoke them.

Michael and Arnella Stanley

“Those convinced against their will are of the same opinion still”. Scare tactics used by scared people only produce scared recruits who out of fear obey, operate and opinionate. Did it produce results-yes, but “what results did they produce” should be the question. A look at the current crop of Evangelical Christians today provide the answer. Like produces like is the law of YHWH. It cannot be otherwise. Many of us here were born into that Christian ‘system of belief’ and it took a supernatural act of YHWH to bring us out of Egypt. It also takes a Moses, a prophet, a Shaul, or even an ordinary disciple like Ananias (Acts 9:10) to deliver the message. Thank Elohim for Skip and his delivery of the message-not in a muscular “in your face”, “turn or burn” style, but in calm, measured and reasoned tones; much in keeping with the style of YHWH as spoken through Isiah in 1:18 “come let us reason together”. It was also Messiah’s approach. Bigger is not generally better. More is not always best. His ways, we must relearn, are the best.

@M&A Stanley: My thought is that it helped birth the benefits of western civilization.

@Pam: that makes for attention grabbing text but I’m not sure it’s factually true nor really on-point.

@Skip: your response is thought provoking. I was thinking that it birthed the benefits of western culture which is an improvement over civilization in say India. At least there was some awareness of YHWH. But your point is well taken. What is the value of that awareness when it produced the history of persecution against God’s people.

Thanks everyone. These responses are appreciated.

Linda Smith

“Hebrew evangelism is about going along through life living out the message,…”
As I was reciting the Shema this morning, I noticed the similarity between Skip’s statement above and the part of the commandment which says, “Teach them thoroughly to your children and speak of them while you sit in your home, while you walk on the way, when you retire and when you arise.”

Pam Staley

The ‘in your face’ or ‘turn or burn’ comment might bring more people into ‘subjection’ of being as put a degree of obedience … at least on the ‘outward face’ .. but inwardly – they are still the same. The change must come from within … from your spirit connecting with HIS spirit … or maybe it is REconnection…but it has to come from somewhere deep within you and reach out. Knocking on doors, standing on the street corners etc etc….may give a few minutes of self-satisfaction – and the Holy One will use any ole donkey you know…but….there is a reason that Judah has kept itself AS Judah…and that is simply that they keep going forward, keep LIVING it out and being who they are supposed to be. Until the ‘rest’ of us see that we are a part of that tree, that we need to be grafted back into the commonwealth of Israel …that we need to come alongside of that rich olive tree and learn many things from brother Judah in order to walk it out…well, we will simply remain that scattered people, we will simply keep building altars where He has not commanded us to, we will simply keep appointing our kings over us … and paying the price.

Thank you again Skip for digging deeper…and causing all of us to ‘dig a little deeper in the well’.

Luis R. Santos

Skip, Doesn’t Matt 23:15 imply that there was some kind of pre-Christian evangelism going on?

Matt 23:15 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.

Luis R. Santos

Doesn’t hyperbole have to contains an element of truth? This is a quote from Rabbi Michael Leo Samuel.

“Historically, there was a time when Judaism during the days of Late Antiquity went out of its way to welcome non-Jews to Judaism. A sizable portion of the Roman Empire had Jewish citizenry. The Jews of Alexandria specifically translated the Tanakh into Greek to help attract new converts to the faith. Jewish thought made philosophers like Philo of Alexandria and Aristobulus popular scholars the Graeco-Roman world enjoyed reading.

Yes, the Alexandrian Jewish community envisioned Judaism as a universal faith–a view that most the rabbis did not share because of their hatred of Hellenistic culture. Jewish efforts to proselytize gentiles was so successful that the Roman Senate decided to expel the Jews in the year 139 B.C.E. and later in the year 19 C.E., according to Josephus (Josephus, Ant. 18.81–84). Incidentally, the NT indicates that the Pharisees of Jesus’ time engaged in outreach efforts to bring in new proselytes, thus we read, “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you compass sea and land to make one proselyte” (Matthew 23:15).”

I was taught that Jews stopped proselytizing only after Christendom’s jack boot was placed on it’s neck.

Thomas Elsinger

This discussion could get quite involved. A number of modern scholars (see Daniel Boyarin) point out that the word “religion” as generally defined now was not a word of the first century. “Judaism” and “Christianity” did not exist then as they exist now.

Further, Paula Fredriksen, concerning ancient Jewish missions, says, “…much of ancient Jewish religious activity…occurred out-of-doors, inviting and accommodating the participation of interested outsiders.”

Fredriksen herself quotes G. F. Moore, “The Jews did not send out missionaries….Their religious influence was exerted chiefly through the synagogues, which they set up for themselves, but which were open to all whom interest or curiosity drew to their services.”

You know, this sounds a lot like what Skip has presented today.

I don’t know a lot about modern scholarship. I do know, however, from my foreman days in modular home-building, that the best way to make a task look like something someone else would want to do, is to do it and enjoy it myself while that “someone” is watching me.

Luis R. Santos

Agreed! But, have you ever heard of a Jew backing away from an argument. They had no qualms of presenting their WAY in the market place of ideas. Much like Nahmanides did in Spain in 1267.

Luis R. Santos



Ditto what Donna said. My VERY finite brain has trouble sorting out the 2000 years of false teaching vs how to follow the Hebrew Yeshua…
But oh how I love that you care about that, Skip. Thank you so very much for being a point man in leading us to the ONE TRUE GOD, YHVH.


Skip, Christianity represents Paul as having three missionary journeys and they are fit within the paradigm of Christian evangelism. This is another point of questioning for me.

You believe that the statements about Yeshua being slain before the foundation of the world as not just an intention.

If that is the case I’ve not been able to understand Paul’s motivation to undergo what he did.

Should we understand Paul’s motives as more in the vein of Rabbinic outreach than Christian evangelism? That seems obvious as I write it but I don’t know how to build out my understanding.

I’d like to research this myself. Can you suggest resources?

Tanya Predoehl

Is their any one out their who came to faith in Yeshua having no previous church background as a direct result of being attracted to the character and way of life of a Torah pursuant individual or community? Hearing your story would be very helpful.

Through an interesting and complex course of Abba ordained events, our little home gathering has had a man gathering with us who was not a believer. He had no religious background and was completely Biblically illiterate. Over the past 7 months he has had daily contact with one of our families and regularly spent Sabbaths with the whole group. This week he verbalized what we have already been observing, that he wants to be on this faith journey with us, commit his life to God and completely leave his old life. This man has a dry sponge thirst for what he sees in our lives. We are excited, seriously humbled and feeling the weight of responsibility similar to the trepidation of young parents bringing home their first new born baby. He is not a young man, but very much a clean blank slate hungering for the truth he sees in our lives to be written on his. Please pray for him and our little group. This is serious stuff!


Tanya Predoehl,

Rejoicing with you over these events, and especially over a new fellow traveler!

Following the King of the Universe while knowing this man is watching closely, and hungering for the truth to be written on his own heart . . . “This is serious stuff!”

Are you able to share his name?

I will be praying for your group and our new brother in the Lord.

YHWH is King!

Tanya Predoehl

Thank you Brian. His name is John.


I bless and thank You Mighty YHWH for bringing John into the fold of the Good Shepherd. May your Kingship be established in every area of his life. I thank You for his desire to join himself to the community of YHWH. The abundant blessings of the King be upon his heart and home as he journeys with you and this community. Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who brings Jew and Gentile into one fold.

As I started praying for your group last night, a prayer immediately sprung from Psalm 23. I have changed the sense of the prayer from an idividual perspective to a communal one.

YHWH is our Shepherd, we have no need.
He makes us lie down in lush pastures.
He leads us beside waters of repose.
He restores our lives.
He leads us in paths of righteousness
for His name’s sake.
Even though we walk through the valley of deep darkness,
we will fear no evil,
for You are with us;
Your rod and staff, they comfort us.
You prepare a table before us
in the presence of our enemies;
You annoint our heads with oil;
our cup overflows.
Only goodness and *stedfast love shall
pursue us
all the days of our lives,
and we shall return to dwell in the house of
for the length of our days.


Please know of my continual prayers.

Peter (sauna sessions) Halsey

Thank you Skip and everyone for your contributions. Since meeting you on the cruise liner my ‘thinking’ has been turned upside down – I think I am becoming a ‘reformed evangelist’ !. This is real ‘meat’ and very exciting as we bring together our plans for ‘CentrePeace’ with a shop on our High Street in Gosport, UK to serve the community.


True, ‘Jews’ do live quietly and do not evangelize their beliefs, but not all ‘Jews’ exemplify their beliefs, except those who are walking in YHWH’s commands.
The same goes for many who attend churches but do not follow Torah. They have no clear directions in their beliefs, though many do have good knowledge of “NT”, but have no clear transformation of character, without YHWH’s guidelines passed down through Torah.

When I was a spiritual baby, I seemed to be directed to look at ‘leaders’ and such, in the many churches I went to, seeking for YHWH’s life and testimonies in their actions and attitudes, but was I so disappointed. These folks do not walk the talk they present at the pulpits, you will soon discover, when you are in conversation with them, or them with others.

True, we are not perfect as yet in our attitudes and character traits, but, that is no excuse for poor behaviour; reason why I have tzittzits tied to all my handbags to remind me. This is serious stuff, as folks will be watching us as we proclaim our trust/faith in YHWH, knowing well that ABBA is watching us too if indeed we are establishing His Kingdom on earth!


I am very happy and at peace knowing someone else understands.. I was taught in the church to evangelize, evangelize.
I feel such a relief knowing I can live the Torah and YHVH does the rest of His works through me. Praise Yah!


????i have been greatly blessed. This makes so much sense! Thank you so much