The Migrant Crisis in Europe

The Migrant Crisis in Europe (and why I am sure to get into trouble for saying this)

Most of you who know me know that I am not very politically correct. That means I speak my opinion without regard to the sensitivities of the culture. I believe that this is the proper approach since truth, understanding and evaluation rarely come packaged in easily digestible bites.

Recently I returned from a trip to the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria. I was there during the time that the migrant crisis tumbled onto the front page of nearly every European newspaper and was used as compassionate fodder by news media around the world. Unfortunately, what was portrayed was only a small part of this issue, a part excised from the other story because the other story doesn’t sit very well with liberal and progressive ideology.

Of course, my opinion on this issue is just that: my opinion. But I did observe things on the ground and listened to citizens of these countries talk about their perceptions, so this is not simply speculation. Here’s what I saw and heard.

First, there are certainly people among these masses who fit the definition of need for asylum. There are children, women and seniors who have endured terrible hardship at the hands of ruthless oppressors. We should show compassion.

But, second, in my observation, these are the minority. Most of the people I saw were able-bodied young men, angry, aggressive, disrespectful and demonstrating no concern whatsoever for the lives they disrupted in their quest. I saw garbage wherever they went. I saw them urinating on the roadways (and worse). I saw them shouting, pushing and venting. I didn’t see a single grateful soul among them. I didn’t see anyone who was thankful, gracious or kind. I saw a mob that wanted whatever they could take by whatever means possible. Therefore, I am in complete agreement with the Prime Minister of Hungary who said that if they allowed these people to enter their country without any controls, the Hungarian way of life would end. Perhaps unknowingly, he has predicted what I believe to be true of all of Europe. These Muslim hordes do not come to assimilate. They come to take—and to bring their way of life with them into any country that is foolish enough to open its borders.

This is, by the way, the conclusion of nearly everyone I spoke with, from cab drivers to shop keepers to hotel personnel. Everyone is afraid—everyone except the politicians who are nicely insulated from the repercussions of their decisions. If anyone ever decided to let the people who live there determine the policy, I am quite sure all the borders would close.

So how did this come about? How is it that Europe’s elite decided to open the floodgates to a culture that has already demonstrated its resistance to assimilation and its proclivity to violence? I suspect the answer has to do with the Holocaust. Since the end of WWII, Germany and many other European nations have lived with an enormous guilty conscience. What they did to the Jews has forever affected their ability to distinguish between compassion and enabling. In the end it’s all about perception and reputation. As Chancellor Merkel noted, Europe cannot be seen in the negative light of refusing to be compassionate. Of course, since no one is willing to distinguish between those who actually need compassion and those who are simply using the system, since no one is willing to stand up and say that the real issue is not at the borders with European countries but rather in the heart of the Islamic states, since no one will address the horror and violence within Islam, the guilty conscience of Europe’s elite prevents them from recognizing that this is but one more tactic in Islam’s war against the West. And Islam will win—again—because no one is willing to admit that the perpetrators of the hell causing people to flee need to be exterminated. Swiftly! Completely! Without regret or remorse.

If you are planning to visit Europe, may I suggest that you do so soon. With two million Muslims on the march, and an EU that badly wants to erase its history, Europe will soon become something the world has not seen, and is perhaps not prepared for.

I am glad to be home. But I am concerned that “home” may soon disappear under my feet unless we stop trying to be Santa Claus to the world.

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Sara Trout


laurita hayes

For what it’s worth, a friend sent me this site recently. Not a few people out there are beginning to see a much bigger picture emerging. Before the doors close on our ability to communicate freely with each other, and the propaganda engines start to breed suspicion and fracture between us, we might do well to reiterate amongst ourselves just where we are coming from, and why. It is now way too late to bury our heads in the sand. I believe now is the time we have been given for us to speak to each other, and to the world, before they come for us. There is only one right response to the tactics of terror and chaos, and that is to face it head on (and, also for what it is worth, I do not think “it” is Islam, per se; I believe they, likewise are being used, just like we are. I believe someone has clearly decided that it is in their best interests that we fight each other. Umm, ditto for the last two Wars, too.). So, for what it is worth, here is my head. I stand with Skip. The Truth is our banner. Along with Sara Trout, I, also, say “Amein!!!”


I’m with ya Skip.

Gayle Johnson

Thank you for sharing your perspective about this, Skip. I have been asking the Father to show me the truth about this issue, from someone who has witnessed it in person.

Laurita, you are right. Division is the intended plan. I hope we can resist that.

Richard Heers

Praise GOD for your insight and the courage to speak the truth. We ALL need to be praying for GOD’s covering for all those in positions of making decisions for the massive…but I fear that they are unaware or not willing to accept GOD’s direction.

Lydia from south Africa

I am just a housewife and can’t take any violence – not even watch a rugby game, but I am relieved that Skip and other ladies are sharing this uncomfortable feeling I have about the migrant crisis: “liberal ideology and Europe’s reputation” (Skip’s words). I also believe that this is a means of forcing the Muslim people out of their countries to infiltrate the world. But I also believe in dreams and visions from God and that God will help us to turn this into a mission field. May the order of the western world be stronger than their misbehavior!


Excellent summary Skip.

Dawn McL

Thank you for NOT being politically correct. The truth needs to be spoken and since you were actually there to see things for yourself, I value what you are sharing highly.
Any alternative news media has been reporting these same things but the majority of what the world gets in the way of news comes from main stream media who has been bought by those in control long ago. They have become a giant propaganda machine.
I believe as well that division is the goal and what you describe above is well on the way to that goal.

Thank you for sharing what you saw and reminding us all that Islam is NOT a peaceful religion at its roots.

John Roberts

Agreed with Dawn and Skip that “Islam is not a peaceful religion at its roots”; in fact this false-religion might be viewed as more of a cult. where so-called faith is cumpulsory, and either death or subjectation is the destiny for the “infidel”. This infiltration of the West is part of the world domination plan of the deceived followers of the false-prophet Muhammad.

Yet I must agree with Lydia that “God will help us to turn this into a Mission field”. So many peaceful followers of Islam are truly in search of God (Y–H), yet they are deceived by the “hold” that The Evil One has over Islam (there are many more than just three Satanic Verses in the Koran; and the Hadith and Sunnah are both masterful works of a brilliant warlord and politician who was determined to unite the Arab peoples under his control nearly 1,400 years ago by way of co-opting the unifying force that “religion” can have over people, much as he and his scribes had heard in the stories and oral histories of the Hebrew peoples).

So, for those followers of Islam, coming to the west and already in the west, who are truly seeking the Truth of Y–H, “the fields are ripe for the harvest”, and we are compelled to share the Gospel of Yeshua. A new Kingdom is coming, indeed. Still we must protect our hearts and “name evill for what it is…..”. And that name as Islam. How can we save 1.3 billion people in this world from this evil?


Your grief can be felt in your TW, Skip. Not only losing our homes, but our lives for some foolish “compassion” for the wrong kind, who “assimilate” with a destructive agenda.
The ones who “stand for human rights”, fighting for those who are so destructive against humanity at large are so open to deception!. They are truly in an UPSIDE down, chaotic world, taking good for evil and evil for good 🙁 , are in urgent need of repentance to see and hear right, and having the right spirit to seek The One and Only Almighty YHWH while He may be found. ABBA please take away that veil from their eyes, to stand for the right cause.
For certain, we are not fighting flesh and blood.
Consolation- our YHWH rules, and HE sees and hears ALL, though tribulation times be upon us!
Chag Sukkot Semeach everyone! We are reminded how to live in tents under ABBA’s protection.

Michael C

I haven’t really seen any of this play out yet where I live. However, I am determined to stop, face it and confront it if I encounter it.
Life is precious and there is no room for oppression, lies, and immoral power ruling corruptly over people, any people!
Let’s stop it, push it back and destroy this evil. WE are the ones to do it, not wait for someone else to.

laurita hayes

I am with you, Michael. But I have learned that to do that, you have to learn your enemy. Don’t let someone else define him, or else you run the risk of tilting at another’s windmill.


Reading Habakkuk this morning – especially the first chapter. Perhaps it comes to play here – sure seems fitting . . .


Something subtle has begun here in the States already. For the last few months and weeks I’ve noticed the portrayal of Muslim women in television advertisements and as characters in television programs, probably for the sake of diversity. Obvious because of the women wearing their scarves!


You are not alone in these observations, Skip. In the past few days I have seen articles online regarding these migrants, detailing the things you observed and more. There have been pictures posted of the filth they leave behind, feces thrown at the cars approaching the border, breaking of the car windows and rolling the cars over. Even the trucks and drivers that came bearing food for them were attacked, rolled over, smashed windows, and the food thrown along the highway. Most said there were few, if any, women and children. The mobs were violent young men, who spoke no Italian or German or Polish or any other language of the countries they were attempting to enter, and responded violently when officials asked them to register to enter. One article described a 7-year-old girl being raped by one of them just feet away from her mother, who did not realize what had happened until it was over. Some speculated that these were just ISIS plants, posing as immigrants. Others said ISIS people were spread among them. These scenes are so overwhelming that I can’t imagine why this administrations would consider increasing their access to the US. But we all know we can only expect it to get worse, and yes,collapse.

Tom Hayward

Precisely my “opinion.” Tom

Kees Brakshoofden

The latest problem in Holland: should we allow these ‘refugees’ to bring in their wives – that is: the girls of 13, 14, 15 years of age – so they can join their ‘husbands’ of 25, 30 or 40 years. The minimum age to marry in Holland is 18, but when a marriage is officially recognized, younger girls are considered of age by Dutch law….. But in Holland you go to jail for sex with minors. Many of them are pregnant…. What to do?

This kind of weird situations occur all the time. Refugees protesting because they have no Internet, no proper homes (yet), while they are here no more than a week now. Many Dutch people have to wait years te get a house, but now they will have to wait even much longer, because the ‘refugees’ go first…..

The first signs of protests among the population are starting to rise. I wonder how long it will take before revolt will occur….

Kees Brakshoofden

But Europe is not the only continent with problems like this: you’ve got 12 milion illegal Latinos within your borders….. You’re just lucky they are far more civilised, whe have to put up with thousands of Atilla the Hun’s….

My point is: this is all preplanned. Our socalled leaders gather in secret at Bilderberg conferences where they decide how to disrupt our present culture. And the just do that. No difference between left or right, only in name, they all serve the same masterplan.

This prevents me from becoming really mad at them: Psalm 2

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together,
against he Lord and against His anointed
“Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us”

He that sits in the heaven shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

robert lafoy

Daniel 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god for he shall magnify himself above all.
Daniel 11:38 But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
Daniel 11:39 Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.
Agreed Kees, it would seem that we’re seeing this beginning to play out in various forms almost everywhere. I hear on every front, concerns in regards to a any number of issues running the gamut from political to environmental, and although they are certainly very real it would seem they remain only diversions keeping us from addressing the real problem. Namely the one(s) with the hand on the wheel. Until we become aware of the reality of what you speak of, we will be largely ineffective in addressing the wide range of issues affecting us.
I’m with Skip, I fear for our children. Everything is on the table and our affections will be turned against us.
While this may seem a bit gloomy and hopeless, nothing is impossible with God. As for us, everything we do or say for the kingdom of heaven, needs to be done as in training for the world heavyweight title, only not 15 rounds. Only One will be left standing.

YHWH bless you and keep you……..

LaVaye Billings

Yes, Kees, we are well aware past umpteen years of the illegal Latinos entrenched all around us: our son has lived in AZ just 30 min. from the Border since the 70’s, & Houston where we lived 26 years, was a few hours easy access to the Border, because they could get lost in the cities have been coming in forever. Actually most of them are grabbed up before they choose where to go. The Mexican people help them get over the rivers ( we have actually watched that in years ago when we walked across legally into the Border towns. I mean by grabbed up, that the poor people pay all their savings to native Mexicans before they leave, then start out on the journey and many die, especially women, children. The guards on their borders can be bribed easily, especially if they put those illegally crossing, in jail there.
Through the years, my husband and I, and nearly all our relatives, and Christian friends have worked hard to help those that do enter the U.S. with families.I could give one story after another on those situations, none to cheerful of course. They are so often nothing but slaves for their own Mexican people already here. So sad of course.
Of course, the current administration, does nothing to prevent it, TX and AZ and other near states, have to take care of their own situations without Federal help. When the states get really serious about keeping them out, the Feds sure jump in to defend the intruders! When they have actually rounded them up in U.S. and send them back, they go in planes, with plenty of everything to take them “home”. They enjoy the lovely ride, see their families, give them all the goodies they collected in the U.S. and then began how to plan to go over the borders again! Just a big game for them!
One other advantage the U.S. has, is it has plenty of land, not small like your country..
BUT ACTUALLY, KEES, I WANT TO KNOW IF YOUR DIVORCE EVER CAME UP IN COURT? AND DID YOU WIN, OR WHAT ? A lot of us have prayed over your situation, with your children, and loss of job because of the divorce being filed. Let us know. Your writings on this seem like you could be doing fairly well, and I HOPE that is the way it is! Blessings to all, especially your son who was ill. Sincerely, LaVaye Billings


First of all I am glad you made it home safely Skip. Secondly, and selfishly, I have been interested in your views on the European issues, especially in light of the pope’s visit here, the celebrity status granted him by the media, with backdrop of the ongoing immigration arguments we are having in this country. I too am concerned about my daughter and my brother’s kids. I know YHWH is in charge of all this mess. All I can do is point to His Word and commandments and testify honestly about how He has dealt with me. As worried as I am about my daughter’s future I’d would much rather have YHWH in charge of me and mine in the midst of all this chaos than a bunch of politicians of any stripe.

Dawn McL

Good to hear from you Kees. You to are right in the middle of actually seeing these things. Your eyewitness is very important.
The world as we have known it is being turned on its head. Chaos is becoming the norm now. I am now seeing reports of even Jewish believers being fooled by the refugee thing. The rabbi’s are beginning to advocate that the wolf be allowed in! Scary.

Thank you for Psalm 2. Indeed, Y-H knows and will have final say. He is using all of this for His divine purposes even as it happens. Keeping our eyes on Him and keeping on trust with Him is very important. Remember how many times He said “do not fear.” Good words to remember when things are looking darker all the time.

A new Kingdom is coming and chaos will have no place in it!

Dan Kraemer

Ancient Israel was commanded to be holy, that is, separate. They may have been meant to be a light to the nations, but not a haven for pagans and aliens. Neither should we.
We lament the liberal press for sympathizing with undesirables yet we too readily agree with commentators who portray Rahab as a whore instead of an innkeeper, Ruth as a shunned Moabite by race instead of geography, and Uriah as a despised Hittite instead of a fearsome Israelite.
Does the Bible celebrate pagans and aliens? I think not. We need to rethink these accepted stereotypes.
What is the purpose of Christ’s long genealogy if not to show He came from a long family line faithful to Yahweh’s holiness commands (even if they were all sinners)?

LaVaye Billings

” home”, welcome here where once we were among the “free and the brave” . Where this week with the pope mania going out of control, the politician equaling that craziness, AND one sensible black Neurosurgeon candidate stating correctly that Sharia law is incompatible with U.S. Law, and the American press omitting his complete statement; only that the Republican Candidate, stated that he would not want to have a president of the U.S. be a Muslim. But today he stood strong and explained what they allowed in Sharia law, and the dangers of it, and totally incompatible with our U.S. laws. And yet the current U.S. president saying that he would talk to this Candidate about his views. —–If you have any compassion on the believes of Islam, go to a country that has a majority of them and live there a year. — Check out Dearborn, Michigan on the web.
The Republican candidate and his wife, children are members of The Seventh Day Adventist Church, I have a book of the Churches believes; and they are very pro Hebrew- Jewish teachings of the First Seven books of the Old Testament, the Torah, and much more, and also Messianic. His wife is very gifted in several ways including music, and family living. I read a long article on her life, and these people are valuable to the Kingdom of God, and for him to be given a chance to be President to the U.S.
So with all the crazy stuff going on, and as an Octogenarian, and home is now no longer much like I have known all these years, the above was a great blessing for me to hear and read on the web sites.
Let us give thanks over & over for every thing we have been given. Such a blessed people here in the U.S. for so long. But—
Yes, I do know some of the evils out there, I just did a lot of writing this week to find/ give comfort to those who know not the Lord or his ways, and that live & are connected with the LasVegas scenes of gambling. A daughter of the deceased, had Christian families in the past. and the death was sudden and not an old person. To even get a Christian pastor to do a Christian burial service in that area took a lot of effort.
TV programs on gambling in all areas of life came to my attention this past week, as I checked the channels which I do not do normally at all! All of the forces of hell have been unleashed on the U.S. and the world. We must all stand and speak out as needed and do it after studying the issue and praying over our actions before we act. —-

Kevin Rogers

Phew, that is a relief, I thought I was the only one who thought like this, I thought I was being paranoid.
Thank you Skip.

Kees Brakshoofden

Please pray for the christian refugees. They are being terrorised even here in Europe in the temporary camps by the muslim refugees. Many are so afraid they don’t dare read their Bible. They are not safe at all! Only now some politicians are starting to ask for seperation of different groups. All minorities are being discriminated by the muslim majority: christians, yezidis and homosexuals also.

Kees Brakshoofden

Skip, don’t be afraid for your children, the day of the Lord is at hand. 🙂

Moriyah Blough

Thank you for writing this article. These have been my thoughts exactly about the migrant crisis.


I agree with you Skip. Mainstream media doesn’t report the other side because it too is bought & controlled by the elite. I prefer to listen to alternative news sites & they are saying the exact same thing as you have witnessed. Come Lord Jesus, Come quickly!!

Michael Ohara

Hi Skip,

It is easier for me to understand the issue with our illegal immigrants

One could see it as more reparation for the “sins of our fathers” (slavery)

And we have never really recovered from that horrendous mistake (IMO)

But I have always thought of Europe as a more rational and civilized place

Now it looks to me like they are laying the groundwork for another “Hell”

David G

Thank you Skip for writing about what you have seen first hand. I too am fearful for ‘home’ and my great grandkids and the America they will grow up in. I do not see an end as we become more accepting of Muslims and their law. Saw a chilling interview with a radical Muslim young woman the other day from the Minn-St. Paul area and she stated, “We will soon be in the majority because you are killing your babies and we are having more.” What bothers me most and I have taken heat from my view, is that when we take in people we also take in their gods. Frightening!! I do not post much but I just want to let all who do I read them and let you know I love you and pray for you.