Our Community in Houston

I have been remiss by not asking if we have readers in this community who were impacted by the hurricane in Houston.  I’m 10,000 miles away in Asia, but I should have thought of this sooner.  Rosanne reminded me that if we can help, we will try.  Please let us know if you’re in need.



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bruce odem

Yes Janice and I would help too, knowing someone on the ground in need we can help???

Dee Alberty

My son & I are heading over to Nederland (s of Beaumont) tomorrow to lend Joe Good (Hatikva, Jerusalem Temple Study) a hand loading up furniture, extensive library (4,000 volumes are safe!) for possibly long-term storage. He lost his studio (new equipment is mostly safe), office space from leaking flat roof from all the Harvey rain that inundated his area. Roads in to his area opened up just last night.