The Company You Kept

You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; 2 Corinthians 3:2

Letter – It’s a question of endorsement.  Paul says that he could have used credentials, certificates, resumes or letters of credit.  But they are unnecessary.  Why?  Because Paul’s real endorsement comes from those whom he mentored in Jesus Christ.  If you really want to know the character of a man, look at those who follow him.

I wonder if we would be comfortable with such a claim.  Can you point to the ones who follow you as endorsements for your life?  Can you demonstrate your integrity, credibility and covenant character by doing nothing more than pointing to those who come after you?  We say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  What we mean, of course, is that the fruit resembles the fruit tree.  Could I look at the ones you are most closely associated with and see them display characteristics that tell me what kind of person you are?

In our Greek-based world, we like to think that a man stands on his own.  We want to believe that my personal standards are not to be confused with those of my closest associates.  But that isn’t Paul’s point of view.  Paul is so confident in his discipleship of others that he can point to them as evidence of his own walk with God.  That’s an amazing claim.  It says that he has done such a thorough job of bringing others into alignment with what he believes and how he behaves that I am seeing Paul in his apprentices.  Could I say that about myself?  Have I done that kind of journeyman work with those who are under my care?  Are my letters of recommendation inscribed on the hearts of others?

The Greek word here is epistole, the usual word for “letter,” but here is it used as a synonym for sustatikos, (from the preceding verse).  It means a letter of commendation.  On a job application, this is the section called “References.”  Here’s the insight that Paul gives us.  A written letter of reference is simply a snap-shot of a person. It’s usually a glowing recommendation about the person in question, but it doesn’t really tell me much more than what I expected.  What if my letter of recommendation was your life?  What if I pointed to the transformation in you as my credentials.  That really says something about me!  If I am going to an effective biblical leader, if I am going to be a true servant-follower, then I must have living recommendation letters.  I must have fruit that shows up in others.  Without it, I’m just a poster child, no matter what the resume says.

The Hebrew worldview is a connected community.  Everything touches everything.  What I do today has ripple effects across the world far beyond my lifetime.  Just think of the impact of that Man Who hung on the cross.  There is no such thing as an isolated person, a separate individual.  What Paul says about his letters of recommendation is just as true for us.  So, I ask you again, when you look at the lives of those closest to you, do you see the person that you really want to be?

Topical Index:  Leadership

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