Comments on the Talmud – Audio Download

This free audio download is a recently recorded lecture at a graduate seminar.  It comments on various thematic connections between the literature of the Talmud and New Testament concepts. Understanding the work of the Jewish sages and rabbis helps us appreciate the cultural circumstances of Yeshua and the apostles.  Enjoy!


(To listen, click here to visit my website and click the Play button in the middle of the page. Once you’re on the website, you can right-click here, select “Save as…” and download the file to your computer.)

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Hi Skip,

I was able to listen to part of your commentary on the Talmud last night and it was excellent.

The point that came across most clearly to me was how “other” the Hebrew expeience of community and knowledge is to us gentiles in the modern world.

And how difficult it is to gain access to that kind of experience.

Just how “inefficient” it is, and yet so meaningful!

Daniel Jones

Skip, this MP3 helped me better understand your view of Acts 15 and is an answer to a specific prayer. I have been asking the Lord to show me how to renew my mind so that I can, in increasing measure, approach scripture, and life in general, with a biblical worldview and interpretive assumptions. Certainly that will be a lifetime gig but one worth the effort. Jumping into the Talmudic river sounds like a way to retrain my mind through osmosis.

BTW: In searching around your site for something tonight I saw that you answered my questions from January 26 of this year. I didn’t receive, or overlooked, an email alerting me to additional posts after I left my questions. Hence, the second request just recently asking which Bible software package you use. Thanks for all the answers to those questions from January. I am eager to read Jewish commentaries without the “Christian” bias. I can insert the messianic identity and authority of Yeshua myself.

Thanks Skip.