Give Me More!

And the apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”   Luke 17:5

Increase – If I just had more faith!  If I could only believe more!  Then, all that I wish to accomplish could be done.  Then I could really see things happen. 

If you’ve never had these thoughts, then you are truly sanctified.  Go out and move mountains.  But if you’re like the apostles (did you notice that Luke does not say “disciples”), then you will probably come to Jesus, asking Him to do the work for you.  “Just give me more faith, Lord, and then I can do Your will.”

The Greek is the verb prostithemi.  It means “to add to.”  You’ll find it in Acts 2:47 when many believers were added to the church.  Here, of course, the apostles (the sent ones) are crying out to Jesus to add to their faith.  “Give us the magic potion that will somehow make us believe.”  “You believe, Lord.  Make us just like you!”

Jesus answers them, but not the way they expect.  He tells them a story about a slave.  Go ahead in read it (Luke 17:7-10).  The point of the story is that the master expects the slave’s obedience.  The master does not treat the slave as though he were a nobleman.  He calls the slave, who has been working all day in the fields, to come and serve him at the table.  He does not call the slave to feast at the table.  And when the slave does all that he should do, the reward is simply this: “I am an unworthy slave and have done only what was expected of me.”

What a strange answer to a request for more faith!  But wait, maybe it isn’t so strange.  What it tells us is that faith is not something I am given as a reward.  It is not something given as a sign of privilege.  Faith comes by obedience – and obedience is expected!

God will never increase your faith.  He will simply give you more to do.  If you obey Him, you will discover that your obedience is the faith you desired.  If you do not obey Him, you will soon feel the need for supplements in your faith diet.  To request an increase in faith is to ask for the opportunity to be more obedient.  God will answer.  Be prepared.  But He will not answer with greater feelings of power and confidence.  He will not answer with bursts of joy or a flood of conviction.  He will simply ask that after you have plowed the field all day, you come and serve Him at the table.

“Increase our faith!”  Yes, Lord, please do so.  Give us more and more to handle.  Overwhelm us with needs.  Open our eyes to the desperate, the sick, the poor.  Bring us to the place of submissive service to others, for we are unworthy servants and do only what is expected of us.

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