The Agony and the Ecstasy,

“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.”  John 4:23

Truth – God delights in those who worship Him in spirit and truth.  Of this we can be certain.  Unfortunately, we are not so certain about what it means to worship in spirit and truth.  But we better do our best to discern the meaning since the delight of the Father depends on it.

The woman at the well suggested that worship had to do with place and ritual.  She was wrong.  So were those who claimed the same status for the temple in Jerusalem.  God is not respecter a of place (or of persons).  You don’t have to enter into a particular building to worship the King of creation.  Sometimes it helps, but it only helps you, not Him.

The woman at the well also suggested that worship depended on doctrine.  Once again, Jesus corrects her.  Having all the right facts and the correct proof texts does not constitute worship.  You are not likely to find God in a seminary library – unless, of course, you are there worshipping in spirit and truth.

So, what about this word, alethia (truth).  The most interesting thing about this word is that it is not principally about facts.  It is about relationships, and, in particular, it is about a personal relationship with Jesus.  When Jesus said, “I am the truth,” He did not mean that He was the summation of all correct facts.  He meant that the universe is fundamentally about relationships and that He is fundamental to all relationships.  If you are not storing relationships in the treasury of your life, you account will be empty in heaven.  If the first entry in your heavenly account is not Jesus, then all the rest is null and void.

OK, we got that!  Now what?  How do I relate to Jesus in truth?  Ah, but it’s so simple.  You make the words of Jesus your words.  You make His way your way.  You keep His commandments, think His thoughts, go where He would go, do what He would do.  You sit down with a woman whom your culture and ethnic background tells you to hate – and show her God’s love.  You weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.  You agonize over the lost and celebrate with the found.  You forsake family and home to follow the King.  You put your life on the line.  You depend utterly on the Father.

This is not about theology. It’s about involvement.  It’s about character, commitment and calling.  You make truth a personal project.

Want to worship the Father in truth?  Then be Jesus today, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.  That worship will delight Him.

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