What God Chooses

to the praise of the glory of His grace   Ephesians 1:6

Praise – God chooses me.  His choice exalts His Son.  It reflects His character.  It demonstrates His power.  But it also has an eschatological purpose – a purpose that goes beyond the edge of this world.  God chooses in order that He might be praised.

Does that sound egotistical, even selfish?  Of course it does, because we react to these words from our human perspective – and we are, quite frankly, filled with ego and self when it comes to looking for praise.  But God is not a man.  He can ask for praise and expect it because He is the only One actually unqualifiedly worthy of praise.  God is good, remember?  He is not simply doing good.  He is good.  Therefore, He deserves – He has a right to – praise.  To withhold praise from a good God is the height of sin for it denies what is ultimately due Him.  So, epainos (applause and commendation) belong to God without qualification.

God chooses me, out of His free and good will, in order to honor His Son, so that I might offer Him the praise He deserves.  What God chooses is to glorify Himself, and He chooses to do this through my redemption. 

Now you have come full circle, and not a single part of this predestined election is about you!  It has always been, and always will be, about God.  Your role is to fall on your face in awe and reverence that God would even imagine to include your participation in any part of this.  Your role is to sing with the angelic host, “Glory, glory, glory to the Lord God Almighty.”

Can you set aside your ego long enough to recognize that the plan of salvation is not about you?  Can you see perhaps for the first time that God redeems for His glory, not your welfare?  You are caught up in something cosmic, eternal, almost unimaginable.  God is glorifying Himself – and you and I are part of that cosmic choir.  Stop thinking that God’s world revolves around your rescue.  Yes, He is intimately interested in you, but not because you need to be saved.  He is interested in you because your salvation glorifies Him.  Get the right glasses on your face.  This is a much bigger picture than you thought.

Praise is the purpose of man.  If your life reflects praise for the Creator, then you have done nothing more than what would be expected of any created being.  Even the heavens shout silent praises to Him.  Did you imagine that your life could do any less?

It’s time to grow up.  Rick Warren was right, but not deep enough.  It’s not about you.  It isn’t even close.

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