The Wisdom Genie

For wisdom is better than jewels; and all desirable things cannot compare with her.   Proverbs 8:11

All Desirable Things – You get one wish.  What is your desire?  Wait, don’t think small.  Really let it go.  What is your greatest desire?  Of all the things that you can think of, what appeals the most?  Do you have it in mind?  Now, read this verse again.  Whatever it is, it can’t even compare to what wisdom offers!

The Hebrew phrase is khol-khafatsim.  The root is khafets, a word for delight and pleasure.  All the delights and all the pleasures and all the wants that you might entertain aren’t even in the same category as wisdom.  That is a very strong statement.  Some very wise people don’t seem to have much in life that is pleasurable.  They seem to live on the edge, often poor, often abused.  How can wisdom be better than a full, satisfying life stuffed with the delights of the senses?  The author, Solomon, once pursued khafatsim.  He wrote all about it in Ecclesiastes.  His conclusion?  After denying himself nothing, he discovered a terrible revelation.  In the end, all his desires had no meaning.  He would die just like the most wretched of men.  Game over.

Wisdom offers a different kind of genie; not the one consumed with my next greatest desire but one focused entirely on the truth – the truth about me, about life and about purpose.  The reason wisdom is better than any genie from a lamp is quite simple.  Wisdom gives me God’s point of view.  If I want the very best, I must be aligned with His plan and purposes.  The beginning of wisdom (did you get that? – the beginning, not the majority) is proper reverence and relationship to the Lord.  In fact, beginning anywhere else is foolishness.  Fear of the Lord is the first axiom of wisdom.  If you don’t start there, you simply cannot get anywhere.

What would you rather have – a life filled with your desires or a life satisfying to God (which, by the way, you will discover to be entirely satisfying for you)?  Solomon tried the first alternative.  He found genuine disappointment, even when he had everything he could want.  So, he advises to take the other route.  Seek wisdom!  Begin with a proper attitude and respect for Who God is.  Buy the truth, whatever the price, and never sell it.  Hold on to the Lord’s commands for your life depends on them.  Listen!  And obey!  Every insight given you from the Father above is designed to bring about eternal change in your perspective, your appreciation and your application.  If you find yourself wishing for a khafets genie, think deeper.  All things desirable are not good enough to bring about what God has in mind.  Choose the better part.  You’ll be glad you did.

Today someone will approach you with an offer of worldly advice.  It will sound reasonable – even appealing – because it will satisfy one of your khafatsim.  When you realize just how much it appeals, turn to this verse.  Seek wisdom.  Satisfy your soul.

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