Clothes Make The Man

I have not hidden Your righteousness within my heart; I have spoken of Your faithfulness and Your salvation; I have not concealed Your lovingkindness and Your truth from the great congregation.  Psalm 40:10

Not Hidden – You are what you wear.  Isn’t that the idea behind “clothes make the man?”  The point of fashion, besides ego-enhancement, is to provide an external portrayal of some inner quality.  Of course, the world is full of posers; people who wear the fashion but don’t have the quality.  Just think of all those sports jerseys, celebrity look-alikes and designer copies, all pretending to be what they aren’t. 

David knew something about fashion.  In the 10th Century BC, he used the word kasah to express what he wore.  It means, “to clothe, to cover, to conceal.”  It’s used of all kinds of covering, from articles of clothing to spreading dirt over blood, from the sea covering the Egyptians to the cloud covering God on the mountain.  Of course, it is also used metaphorically – covering sin or concealing motives.  What David says is this: “I didn’t hide Your righteousness under my vest, Lord.  I wore obedience on my sleeve.”  When David puts on the shirt embroidered, “God is good,” he means it.  He is no poser.  He knows God’s goodness in affliction and in victory.

This word is particularly important in an age when religion is seen as a matter of the heart.  Today, it’s alright to believe whatever you want, provided you keep it private.  God-fearers are expected to hide their zealous commitment, so that they don’t “offend” those who hold different beliefs.  David would have gagged.  King David was ready and willing to let the whole congregation know that he served the God of righteousness.  He proudly proclaims that he has not hidden (lo-khisiti) the things of God in his heart.  He is right up front about his faith.  He serves God in public and in private.

Yes, it’s appropriate to keep the mysteries of God in our hearts.  Yes, it’s right to retain His wonderful compassion toward us.  Yes, He whispers secrets to our souls.  But God never intended that His glory be kept under covers.  He is not a hidden God, nor are His people to be hidden under a bowl (or a bushel).  The light has come.  The night cannot swallow it up.  Throw off the restraint of a culture that loves the darkness and let God’s righteousness illuminate the world through you.  A lot of rats might scurry for the corners, but that’s what happens when the lights come on.

Stand with David today, and say, “I have not hidden Your righteousness in my heart.”  You have something of immense value to share with a dark world.  Uncover it.

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