Center Stage

For I think that God set us out last, the apostles, as appointed to death, because we became a spectacle to the world, even to angels and men. 1 Corinthians 4:9

Spectacle – “All the world’s a stage,” said Shakespeare. Paul agreed. But Paul’s version of the play of life is a bit different than the tragedies and comedies of the Bard. Here Paul uses a word that has come into English almost intact. Theatron, the basis of our word, theater, means “a place of public drama and exhibitions.” Christians are appointed to center stage. Why? Because the world loves to display its fools and we who follow the King of another world will seem very foolish indeed. Oh, we won’t be on center stage to take the applause and the adulations. We will be there to be stoned, hung and crucified. God has appointed the foolish things of this world as the means of His redemption and, if you are following His path, you will appear as foolish as they come. After all, how insane is it for God to die on a cross for a world that hated Him?

Most of those who call themselves “Christians” steer far away from this sort of destiny. More than anything, modern citizens of the world want to appear savvy, collected and self-assured. The world’s Oscars don’t go to idiots. We award those who display all the qualities of prowess, power and perfection. The fools get kicked aside.

When you stand before the cross, you are standing before a man who was a fool for God. You are standing before a man who cared nothing for his reputation, his position and his justification. You are looking at the ultimate fool, brave enough, insane enough, to take my sin and your sin on Himself when we were panting after the gods of the world’s stage. We still pant after them: the cult of Hollywood, Forbes and the NFL come to mind. We don’t worship foolish heroes.

It takes a lot more than a walk down the aisle or a sinner’s prayer to enter into the Kingdom. Yes, those actions might start you on the way, but one day you will stand before the King of fools and He will ask you to make a spectacle of yourself for His sake. Then you will hear the siren call of the world. “Think about all you have to lose. Think about your reputation. Think how you will be scorned and rejected.” Will you falter? Or will you be the foolish pride of the Father?

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