Delighting God

Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you; for the LORD is a God of justice; Isaiah 30:18

Longs – The Old Testament is a great love story. Of course, it also shows us that God is not just a forgiving machine. Sin is terribly serious and results in terrible consequences. But anyone who thinks the God of the Old Testament is wrathful, vindictive and stern has never read the text. Yahweh (Jehovah) has a heart that anxiously waits to show you His favor. He cries over your mistakes and rejoices at your obedience. He applauds your trust and mourns your self-sufficiency. Isaiah understood. God longs to give you His favor.

The Hebrew is hakah. It’s an emotionally intense expression, so much so that Job uses the same verb when he longs to die rather than endure any more struggle. You feel that same way when you think about someone you love who is in danger. Your heart is ready to break over the desire you have to see him safely home. Yes, God feels deeply about who you are, where you are and what you are facing. He wants, more than anything, to be gracious to you.

It’s easy in this world to feel as though we are abandoned to the pressures of the enemy’s onslaught. The daily demands, the scramble to make do, the constant undermining of values and words often leave us thinking, “I feel so alone out here. Why are things so difficult?” That’s when we need to remember the Old Testament God of heart-wrenching compassion. God intensely desires to be our constant companion and continuous helper. He stands on the porch, straining His eyes toward the horizon for even the smallest sign of our travels toward home. And when He sees that tiny figure approaching, He runs to meet us, gathering us in His arms, spilling tears of joy, hugging us and smiling. “I’m so glad to see you. You have no idea how much I have dreamed of this. Let me look at you. Oh, what a joy it is to hold you close.”

You can delight God by showing up. That’s really all He asks. Come home. You will gladden His heart and enjoy His banquet.


Paused at night, saw the light.
Needed “Stop”, wanted “Drop”.
Spent my day, far away.
Spent my year, far from here.
Spent my life, torn in strife.
Not at home.
All alone.
All the faces, all the places.
Empty miles, shallow smiles

Please, greet me on my way.
I’m so tired.
I’d like to come
Home today.

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