Life’s Governing Principle

Iniquity is covered by mercy and truth, and in the fear of the LORD men turn aside from evil Proverbs 16:6

Mercy – “I came to realize that life lived to help others is the only one that matters and that it is my duty, in return for the lavish life God has devolved upon me, to help others He has placed in my path. This is my highest and best use as a human.” So said Ben Stein in his last nationally syndicated column. Ben has discovered life’s governing principle, invented by God.

The Hebrew word is hesed. Sometimes translated “loving-kindness,” sometimes translated “mercy,” its deeper meaning is difficult to capture in a single word. But it is crucially important, for on this word rests all relationships between men and between men and God. It is used to describe the relationship between spouses, between friends, between kings and subjects, between lovers and between God and His people. And in this verse, in combination with emet, we see that hesed brings atonement. Hesed is the practice of a way of life that lifts us out of evil and sets us on the path of righteousness.

There are some other characteristics of hesed that we must know. First, hesed is always relational. It does not exist outside of personal interaction. Second, hesed is action. It is not found in good thoughts, noble intentions or sympathetic emotion. Hesed means that I do something favorable for another. Third, hesed requires distribution. If I receive hesed, I am expected to pass it on to someone else. Finally, hesed implies reciprocity. In fact, when I give hesed to another, God Himself tells me that He will repay me even if no one else does. Establish relationship, act for another’s good, distribute what you are given, expect reward. Hesed is the way life is supposed to be lived.

God has provided the final and ultimate solution to evil. Participation in that final solution is within our grasp. Having experienced the goodness of God poured out on us, we are commanded to “go and do likewise”. This is the divine “pay-it-forward” plan. If you are living according to life’s governing principle, you are looking for every opportunity to provide good for someone else. Wherever you are restraining good toward others or withholding favor for yourself, you are working against the grain of the universe. Men will not forget this breach in the natural law, and neither will God.

Can you sign your name to the last of Ben Stein’s columns? Have you come to realize that all of life is about hesed? Relationship, action, distribution, reward – the best use of being human.

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