The Simple Plan of Success

Mercy and truth will not forsake you; tie them to your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart; and you will find favor and good understanding in the sight of God and man. Proverbs 3:3-4

Mercy – Now you recognize that “mercy” is the Hebrew word hesed (see June 27). Now you know that life’s governing principle is about building relationships, taking actions for others, distributing what you have been given and looking for reward from men and God. But there is just a bit more that is intriguing about this word.

Most Hebrew words have parallels in other ancient languages. Hebrew often borrowed words from Egyptian, Arabic, Canaanite and other sources. But hesed doesn’t seem to have any of these connections. It seems to be unique to Hebrew. Isn’t that interesting? Here is a word that is central and crucial to the whole social and religious structure of the Hebrews and it seems to have been invented by them. Or was it invented by the God Who taught them what mercy and loving-kindness really is? Do you suppose that hesed is a word that comes from the character of God Himself? There is one additional element of hesed that might lead us toward this conclusion.

Hesed is clearly about relationships. It is also a word of action. But hesed is not just about my active relational intervention on your behalf. It is also about my everlasting commitment to actions that promote and preserve life. It is a word about endurance. When I live according to the life principle of hesed, I am good for the long run. I stay the course. I can be trusted over time. In other words, I reflect the character of the God Who is faithful.

Did you notice that God promises direct, tangible, effective results from practicing hesed? This is life’s simplest success plan. Practicing hesed and emet brings favor with God and men. Is that what you want in life? Or are you willing to settle for less, like fame, power, money, influence or pleasure? God’s simple success plan turns the tables on our methods. We pursue fame, power, money and pleasure, chasing the end of the rainbow. God’s plan tells us to pursue hesed and emet and, as a natural by-product, favor will come our way. Isn’t that amazing? When we go after what we think we need, the pot of gold keeps receding in the distance. But when we stop chasing and start giving ourselves away for the good of others, when we commit to lasting relationships of helpfulness and mercy, then God says our lives will be filled with favor from men and from Him.

It’s so obvious! Why didn’t we see it before? Compassion is the secret to overflowing life. Are you looking for your chance to give hesed to someone today?

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