Recovery Plan

The steps of a man are ordered from YHWH, and He will delight in his way.  Though he falls, he will not be cast down, for YHWH upholds his hand. Psalm 37:23-24

Falls – Are you a person who delights in the Lord?  Do you seek Him and serve Him?  Are the steps of your way ordered by YHWH?  Then you are geber, a unique individual in a world of chaotic indulgence and addictive power.  God delights in you.

But what happens when you fall?

The Tanakh is the most realistic training manual ever written.  It never minimizes responsibility or culpability.  At the same time, it never overlooks the failures of even the most righteous among us.  Every follower of the Way falls down sometime.  The Tanakh never glosses this fact nor attempts to obscure its devastating effects.  Instead, the Bible offers a guaranteed recovery plan, one that begins with a statement of the unwavering grace of God.  The righteous man or woman will not be cut off.  Why not?  Doesn’t the action deserve punishment?  Isn’t sin hideous to God?  Isn’t the relationship broken?  The history of God’s interactions with Israel paint a picture of hope, not despair.  God does not let go.  We might release our grip on His hand but He will not.  YHWH lifts us back up.

Two crucial lessons may be derived from this fact.  The first lesson is practical.  How we got into the ditch is not as important as how we get out.  Every addict knows that it will take a lifetime of counseling to discover why human beings choose fatal behaviors.  But the addict in recovery knows that getting out of the ditch is all that matters in the end.  Action means getting up, grabbing hold of God’s hand again, and getting out of the ditch.

The second crucial lesson is theological.  It is the geber who discovers God’s hand has not let go.  It is the man who is vigorous for God, ready to follow, willing to face his mortality and finitude, desiring to be redeemed and ready to answer.  God does not let go of those who seek Him even if they should fall.  Why?  Because they have already exhibited a life of submission to His steps.  This is not the same as the man (not geber) whose path was never ordered by the Lord in the first place.  Proclaiming God’s apparent guarantee without previously walking according to His directions will gain nothing.  It is past faithfulness that guarantees present recovery.

I fall down.  It’s like the nursery rhyme.  “Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.”  The song recounts the results of the Plague in the middle ages, but it is true in the spiritual sense as well.  We all fall down.  Even geberim fall down – as the author of the psalm certainly knew from personal experience.  But falling down is not the end.  Those who already know the peace of waiting on the Lord will discover samak, the action of sustaining, upholding or supporting.  Quite important is the fact the samak is also the action of laying a hand on the sacrificial animal.  Add that to your imagery of God upholding you.  Naphal (to fall) is followed by samak (to be upheld).  That’s God’s recovery plan.

Topical Index:  fall, naphal, uphold, samak, Psalm 37:23-24

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Roy W Ludlow

It may or may not take a lifetime of counseling to figure out why fatal behavior is chosen. Biblical Counseling has the potentiall to move quickly to the issues with the focus on sin, what the person can do to regain the footing, how to take hold of God again, and allow God to be in charge. Secular counseling, on the other hand will probably take a lifetime with no resolution of the issues.


I agree with you, Carl. A “lifetime of counseling” isn’t the answer, though it does take a LIFESTYLE of daily repentance and forgiveness to walk in the Light. I highly recommend RESTORING THE CHRISTIAN SOUL: OVERCOMING BARRIERS TO THE COMPLETION IN CHRIST THROUGH HEALING PRAYER by Leanne Payne. Our G-d IS able to reinstate the ungodly into godliness! “Let not the oppressed return dishonored; let the afflicted and needy praise Thy name.” Psalm 74:21

carl roberts

Shalom, all. Roy, a lifetime of counseling will be provided by our Counselor and Comforter, the Ruach HaKodesh, G-d’s Holy Breath. All who belong to the Father and have been adopted into His family through the new birth have this marvelous Comforter living within. He will teach us. -John 14.26. Some lessons (ouch) are learned the hard way, but G-d is faithful!
Cyndee, “amen” to a “lifestyle of daily repentance and forgiveness.” Let me pause here and see if I can find a quote from one “Skip Moen” concerning repentance. Ah, here it is. “Repentance is a way of life, not a one-time event.” I also like what Roy Hession has said “a continual coming to the Cross of Christ for cleansing.” – I really can see the need for this, as we live in such a filthy world, some of it is bound to “rub off” on us. Ever since I gave up my Saturday night baths and decided to take a shower everyday, -somehow I feel cleaner. Even if we confess our sins only one day a week, we will still have a weeks’ worth of sins to review and remember. Better to keep short accounts with G-d. According to Isaiah 59.2-“ADONAI’s arm is not too short to save, nor is His ear too dull to hear. Rather, it is your own crimes that separate you from your G-d; your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He doesn’t hear.”
G-d is holy. I don’t think anyone (in their right mind) would argue that. He is our thrice-holy YHWH. And for this we should not be hateful, but be grateful. Because He is holy, He is always going to do what is just and pure and right and lovely. All these things spring from His holiness. There are those among us who tell us – G-d is love, (and He is), but how many of these same ones declare He is holy?
Long story short, G-d is holy and we are not -because of the established fact of our sin(s) and proclivity or leaning toward, or some (who are ignorant) even desire to sin. What to do? What to do? How do we re-establish a relationship between holy G-d and sinful man (me!).
What if I sin after I become a Christian? What if? lol!- I have done more sinning after I was saved than I ever did before! Does this shock or surprise you? -It shouldn’t. The difference between “now and then” being- I am far more awake and aware today concerning sin and concerning what pleases our Father than I ever have been. YHWH has been training me (via “carrot and stick?”) in sin-avoidance, (sin is yucky garbage and it smells), and learning to love what G-d loves (and this includes people!).
We are being trained and disciplined in right behavior toward G-d and man. YHWH is doing this. Repentance is part of the process. Do I ever stumble and do I ever fall? – Do I ever! lol!- “Repentance” is one of the best spiritual gifts one could ever ask for or receive. Our Father is constantly working through situations and circumstances, through His word (both written and Living), to conform (a word of heat and pressure) us to the image of the Son. G-d is not random in anything He says or does. G-d wastes nothing, even those places and days we might consider “wasted.” -It all adds up and “it’s all good” because it is G-d who is working in us, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.”

carl roberts

-Those who already know the peace of waiting on the Lord will discover samak, the action of sustaining, upholding or supporting. Quite important is the fact the samak is also the action of laying a hand on the sacrificial animal.-

I would love to learn more of “samak” perhaps some other day? “Samak” was present back in the garden for our grandfather Adam. I am reminded of this song and I hope it will be half the blessing for you as it is for me..


Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy
To the only wise God, our Savior, be glory, majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen.
Jude 24, 25

carl roberts

The “gospel” (good news) once again!!- Our G-d is able!!

“The king spoke and said to Daniel, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you constantly serve, been able to deliver you…?”

’Tis the grandest theme through the ages rung;
’Tis the grandest theme for a mortal tongue;
’Tis the grandest theme that the world e’er sung,
“Our God is able to deliver thee.”
He is able to deliver thee,
He is able to deliver thee;
Though by sin oppressed, go to Him for rest;
“Our God is able to deliver thee.”
’Tis the grandest theme in the earth or main;
’Tis the grandest theme for a mortal strain;
’Tis the grandest theme, tell the world again,
“Our God is able to deliver thee.”
’Tis the grandest theme, let the tidings roll,
To the guilty heart, to the sinful soul;
Look to God in faith, He will make thee whole,
“Our God is able to deliver thee.”