Actions Speak Louder Than Words

“For God is my witness, how I long for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus” Philippians 1:8

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Affection – Today’s word is a very special word.  It is a word that is usually translated “compassion”.  In the gospels, splanchnon always involves action.  Compassion is not sympathy.  It is not empathy.  It is not desire to help.  It is not wishing things were different.  Compassion is doing something about it.  When Jesus sees the widow of Nan, he is moved with compassion to act on her behalf.  When the father sees the returning prodigal son, he is moved with compassion.  When the Good Samaritan sees the victim, he acts with compassion.  Compassion doesn’t happen when the only thing that moves is the air around my mouth.

If Paul says the compassion he has for the Philippians is the kind of compassion Jesus demonstrated, he’s talking about sacrifice for them.  He acts on their behalf even if it costs him dearly.  Words on the page or from the pulpit don’t mean a thing unless they result in sacrificial movement.

Oh, my, this is difficult.  It brings up all sorts of issues.  We could all go through the check list of those times when we had the opportunity to help someone else but we were too busy to return the phone call, too preoccupied to listen, too self-concerned to offer our treasure, too righteous to be associated with “their kind”.  It’s not just about money.  It’s how I invest my talent, my time, my influence, my prayers.  Could God vouch as my witness that I have loved others like Jesus loved me, or have I been content to tip my spiritual hat in their direction?

There is no more important word in our spiritual vocabulary than compassion.  It is the litmus test of my commitment to The Way of the Master.  He is the final exemplar of this action.  God Himself speaks of compassion as the first characteristic of His identity (Exodus 34:6).  Splanchnon was originally about the intestines of the body.  Compassion like this is gut wrenching, emotionally compelling, heart pounding action.  It is life out of balance, given over completely to God’s first characteristic.

Does compassion describe you?

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