Joy is the byproduct

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” John 15:11

Joy is the byproduct

Joy – Joy is the relationship word.  Joy is God’s gracious action toward us.  And Jesus tells us that joy is the byproduct of something we can do – abide in Him.  When we read these words from Jesus, we should put the emphasis in the right place.  The focus is on “these things”.  Jesus does not emphasize “joy”.  He emphasizes “abiding in me”.  Joy is the natural result of living life fully involved in Jesus.  It’s just like the grapes that grow from a well-tended vine.  If I take care of the vine, the grapes will come.  If I take care of my life in Christ, joy will come.  Guaranteed.

Yesterday we discovered that joy is an Old Testament concept originating in the free act of God.  Today we see the same theme in the words of Jesus.  It is Jesus’ joy that is given to us.  It’s not our manufactured happiness.  There is a big difference.  The joy of Jesus is to do the will of the Father.  The joy of Jesus is to complete the task of redemption.  Jesus’ joy comes from being completely obedient.  Just like fruit on the vine, his obedience results in heaven’s rejoicing.

So the pattern is set.  Do you want joy?  Obey.  Do you want joy?  Abide.  Do you want joy?  Glorify the Father.

Maybe the reason so many believers seem to have joy-less lives is simply this:  without obedience, abiding and glorifying, joy can’t arrive.  When I seek joy by itself, I am looking for the byproduct without the main ingredients.  But when I seek obedience, abiding and glorifying, something else comes along the way.

We have distorted the process.  We want joy but we have forgotten the joy-full process.  Take a good look at your life.  Are you seeking the end without the means?  Jesus says, “Obey.  Abide.  Glorify.”  Then you will have His joy in full.

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Amen! Ohh this part right here, ” Maybe the reason so many believers seem to have joy-less lives is simply this: without obedience, abiding and glorifying, joy can’t arrive. When I seek joy by itself, I am looking for the byproduct without the main ingredients”. “We want joy but we have forgotten the joy-full process. Take a good look at your life. Are you seeking the end without the means?” I needed to hear this. Thanks!