Be Happy God’s Way

“That teaching is part of the Good News of the blessed God that he gave me to tell” 1 Timothy 1:11 (NCV)

Be Happy God’s Way

Blessed – Here’s a case where translation and tradition have conspired to create a very different word picture over the centuries.  When we correct the translation, it’s like going from regular format to wide screen.  Suddenly there is more to see.

The Greek is makarios.  It never meant “blessed”, not even in the Beatitudes (the same word beings each Beatitude).  In Greek, “blessed” would be eulogetoi, meaning “to speak well of” or “to praise”.  In English, this becomes “eulogy”, a statement of praise about a person, usually dead.  But makarios is not about a blessing or about praising someone.  It is about being happy or (even more startling) being lucky.  The correct translation makes a world of difference.  God is happy to tell the good news of the gospel.  We are happy to receive it.  Jesus tells us that we are happy (not blessed) when we do what he commands (John 3:17).  We are happy when we believe in spite of not seeing (John 20:29).  There are literally dozens of “happiness” statements in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.  Who told you the God was not interested in happiness?  Of course He is.  But His version of happiness is not like the happiness the world seeks.

“Blessing” contains that idea that someone with higher status or possession gives to someone in need or of lower status.  This is the imagery of a king granting a favor to a subject.  Imagine how happiness differs.  Happiness is not about the relative status of two people in relationship.  The poorest of the poor can actually be happier than the richest man in the world, as it often the case.  It does not depend on favors or outside conditions.  Happiness is heart condition.

Just think of it!  Happiness is entirely up to me.  God provides opportunities for happiness throughout Scripture.  He is happy to do so.  In fact, God has a smiley face when He thinks about all the ways we can be happy.  Receive, listen, act, engage, thank, praise, pray.  All are happiness options.

When someone ask “Are you happy?”, maybe it’s time to rethink “blessed”.  Are you waiting for a favor or are you taking hold of the happy God?

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