God’s School

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness”  2 Timothy 3:16

God’s School

Training – The root behind this word is paideuo, a word that means “instruction and spiritual education of a child”.  Of course, since we are all God’s children, the word applies to any age.  But it implies more than the communication of information.  Its Old Testament connections imply chastening and correction.  In God’s school, some lessons are learned the hard way.

Do you ever feel like God is just too harsh with you?  Do you ever think that the chastening that you have to bear is more than necessary?  I am sure that each of us has questioned God’s training method at least once in our lives.  Of course, that raises a very interesting, and convicting, question.  If I truly believe that God always has my best interests in mind and that He is the perfect Father who never allows more than I can deal with, then my complaint is really a denial of my trust in His faithfulness.  I am tempted to think of God like I think about other teachers.  That leads me to remember those times when the punishment didn’t fit the crime, when the correction was damaging and overbearing.  But God is not like a man.  He knows precisely what is required, no more and no less, to get my heart into the right relationship so that the lesson transforms me.  If I concentrate only on the information part of learning, I will likely say, “But God, I already know that!”  But when I look at the action that comes from the information, I soon discover that even though I had the knowledge, my life was not in line with the call placed on me.  I didn’t change.  So God applied “training”.

When I finally understand that God is entirely trustworthy even when I am feeling the bite of correction, something amazing happens.  My attitude toward difficulties is transformed.  I recognize that affliction is there to help me, not hurt me.  I start to see God’s intervention as affirmation of His care.  I learn to obey quickly because I know that He has designed the training just for me.  Life gets easier, simpler, calmer even if I am in training.  After all, just like the training of my own children, I know that God is getting me ready for something wonderful.

Are you experiencing training right now?  Do you feel His hand a little heavier than you wish?  Look for the issue of obedience that faces you.  It’s there, no doubt.  Don’t delay.  God wants you to graduate.

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Eunice Frazier

Wonderful. Truly enjoyed this one! Right where I am.