The Kingdom Attitude (2)

“He changes a wilderness into a pool of water, and a dry land into springs of water;” Psalm 107:35

Dry land – The answer to a thirsty soul (see August 22) is the action of God.  He changes things.  I don’t go into His desert and dig a well for myself.  In His desert, I cannot survive without His response to my thirst.  Brennan Manning would call this ruthless trust because if I am wrong about His graciousness, I die of thirst.  The Kingdom attitude requires that I put all my eggs in His basket.  Either God comes through for me or the game is over.

David wrote the words, “My soul thirsts for You.”  God gave David the answer in this verse.  Who can change a wilderness into a pool of water?  The Lord.  Who can bring springs of water to a dry land?  The Lord.  No one else is able.  All other solutions are temporary substitutions and numbing anesthetics.  If God does not satisfy your soul thirst, nothing ever will.

Today’s culture is passionately preoccupied with fulfillment.  Even in religious circles, we seek purpose and completion.  We believe that life must be satisfying.  Everywhere we look the message is the same.  Do this, buy that, try this and life will be “as good as it gets”.  It’s all a lie!  God did not make you to be satisfied with anything you happen to find in the desert.  God did not design the universe to fulfill its own purpose.  The attitude of the Kingdom is “never enough”.  I will never drink enough of His splendor.  I will never have enough of His grace.  I will never get enough of His mercy.  I will never know enough of His love.  In the Kingdom, I will always be unsatisfied.  I will always hunger and thirst for more of Him.  The vacuum in my soul will never be filled.  I have an infinite capacity for God.

How’s your attitude?  Are you living to be satisfied?  Are you chasing the goal of fulfillment?  Are you preoccupied with purpose?  Or are you thirsty for more of Him?  More and more and more.  Are you emptying a well that will never run dry?  Drinking from a spring that never stops flowing?  Using yourself up completely so that you keep coming back to be refreshed?  Peacefully at home in the wilderness that God is changing into a spring of living water?

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