In the gateway of Enaim

“So she removed the widow’s garments and covered herself with a veil and wrapped herself, and sat in the gateway of Enaim,”  Genesis 38:14

In the gateway of Enaim – Have you ever read the story of Tamar?  You will find it in Genesis 38.  It is not likely that you have heard many sermons based on this story.  We avoid it because of its sexual content.  That is unfortunate.  What we do not know can harm us.  God included this story not to show us the “soap opera” context of the lives of our ancient ancestors but to demonstrate what happens when pride and disobedience overcome humility and honor.

This phrase in Hebrew (bepetah enayim) literally means, “at the opening of the eyes.”  I doubt that it has much to do with a gate in some unknown city.  It is about a woman who positions herself in a way that advertises sexuality.  She wants to open the eyes of a particular man.  In this case, the man is her father-in-law.  She succeeds in her entrapment.  But that is not the point of the story.  The story is about a failure to fulfill a promise, a deliberate deception, an attempt to cover up public humiliation and a complete disregard for obedience to God.  Read the story for yourself.  But instead of focusing on the sexual encounter, pay attention to the attitude and actions of the father-in-law.

What can we learn from “the gateway of Enaim”?   Tamar teaches us something important about desire.   In order for the seduction to work, she had to open Judah’s eyes.  He had to see in order to want.  His own desire carried him forward after he saw his opportunity.

We are a visual culture.  Thousands of images are presented to us every day.  Our eyes are flooded with opportunities for desire.  Many of them never reach us because we do not have our eyes opened.  How many billboards do you remember?  How many pictures in magazines do you just skip over?  But then one image stops you.  Your eyes are opened.  You see and your desire demands fulfillment.  Eve “saw” that the fruit was good to eat.  Her eyes were opened to her desire, but they were closed to her sin.  Stanley Kubrick’s movie title, Eyes Wide Shut, describes many Christians.  Their eyes are open in the wrong direction and shut to the consequences.

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