
“It is not so among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant,” Matthew 20:26

Wishes – Jesus was a man of action words.  He understood that life changes require strong commitments.  The translation “wishes” is not nearly strong enough to convey what Jesus is saying.

The Greek verb used here is thelo.  It is a word that describes an act of the will.  It means to put into action whatever is needed to accomplish a purpose.  People who use this word aren’t wishing on a star.  They know that intense desire requires follow through.  They have made a decision to take the steps needed to reach the goal.  This same verb is used many times to describe the will of God.  His purposes always are fulfilled in His actions.  That is the kind of movement that Jesus is looking for.  Don’t talk the talk if you aren’t ready to walk the walk.

Do you see the amazing promise in this verse?  Jesus starts with a statement about motivation.  He says, “If you are really committed to become great.”  There is immediate appeal here.  We all want to be great.  Then Jesus tells us that the road to greatness can be guaranteed.  If you want to be great in His kingdom, he will tell you exactly how to get there.  Greatness is certain – if you are willing to commit yourself to being a servant.  Your greatness does not depend on anything that the world gives or withholds.  It depends only on thelo.

The pathway to greatness is simple.  It requires only one thing – becoming a servant to all.  To follow this simple plan of action will require the biggest commitment you have ever made.  But God guarantees the outcome.

Become like the Master – totally committed to serve.

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