
“And Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, “God forbid it.  This shall never happen to you.”” Matthew 16:22

Never – The next temptation of Christ.  So many times we think that the temptations in the wilderness settled the issue for Jesus.  But that is not the case.  Satan comes back over and over through other people and different circumstances, always trying to get Jesus to accept the easier road.  In this verse, the Greek grammar tells us something we never see in English.

The English word “never” is really the translation of two Greek words – ou me.  In English grammar this would produce “never not”.  Any grade school child knows that this is incorrect English.  But it is great Greek!  It is a double negative.  It makes the thought even stronger.  Both ou and me mean “not”.  But ou is the strong word “never” while me is the weaker word “not usually”.  Peter’s declaration to Jesus covers all the bases.  No way, man!  That’ll never happen!

Peter rejects Jesus’ purpose because it doesn’t fit Peter’s view of the world.  Jesus sees the suggestion for what it really is – Satan in disguise.

How often have we heard the “No way” temptation in the voice of someone close to us?  We start on the pathway God chooses for us and suddenly someone quite familiar suggests that we’re misguided.  “That can’t be what God wants for you.  It just doesn’t make sense!”  When this happens, think of Jesus.  There is no temptation we have that he has not already endured.  Peter was there demanding Jesus shape up and think right.  This can’t be God’s way.  What good will it do if you die?  We need you right where you are.

There is only one guide for your life.  It is not Peter or anyone who sounds like him.  If you want to know your path, go to the source.  Forget the ones who give you double negatives.  There is only one way and it’s never “no way”.

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