Recommended Reading List

Here’s my list of recommended reading.  It’s a growing list of good books and other sources I frequently use while writing Today’s Word.

(By the way, when you click on these links and order these books from Amazon, you’ll be supporting At God’s Table.)

Standard References


Other Books

Robert Alter The Book of Psalms

G. K. Beale and D. A. Carson Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

Adam Becker & Annette Reed (eds.)  The Ways that Never Parted

Jim Nelson Black When Nations Die

Gilbert Bilezikian Beyond Sex Roles (2nd Edition)

Thorleif Boman Hebrew Thought Compared with Greek

Mark Buchanan The Rest of God

Jason BeDuhn Truth in Translation

David Bivin, Roy Blizzard, Jr. Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus

David Bivin New Light on the Difficult Words of Jesus

Todd Bennett Walk in the Light series, including The Sabbath, KosherNamesRestoration and The Law and Grace

David Dungan Constantine’s Bible

Jacques Ellul The Ethics of Freedom

Jacques Ellul Money and Power (available as a PDF on line)

David Fohrman The Beast That Crouches At The Door

Nelson Glueck  Hesed in the Bible

John Gager  The Origins of Anti-Semitism

Michael Gorman Elements of Biblical Exegesis

Os Guinness The Call

Robert Gorelik – for a wealth of audio files and documents, especially The Essentials

Tim Hegg The Letter Writer

Abraham Heschel  – virtually everything he has written but especially The Prophets

Arthur Katz Apostolic Foundations

Walter Kaiser, Jr. Toward Old Testament Ethics

Walter Kaiser, Jr. Toward an Exegetical Theology

Joseph Klausner   The Messianic Idea in Israel from

Aviyah Kushner  The Grammar of God

David Lambert   How Repentance Became Biblical

Peter Leithart Against Christianity

J. R. Lucas The Future

Ernst Lohmeyer The Lord’s Prayer

Moses Hayyim Luzzatto  Mesillat Yesharim

Lee McDonald The Biblical Canon

Brennan Manning Ruthless Trust

Leon Morris The Epistle to the Romans (Eerdmans)

Rabbi Michael Munk  The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet

Mark Nanos The Mystery of Romans and The Irony of Galatians

The works of Henri J. M. Nouwen

Anders Nygren Agape and Eros

Wolfhart Pannenberg Systematic Theology (3 volumes)

Wolfhart Pannenberg Jesus: God and Man

Neil Postman Technopoly

Katherine Doob Sakenfeld  The Meaning of Hesed in the Hebrew Bible: A New Inquiry

Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg   The Beginning of Desire

More will be added as we go along…