
A look at First Peter

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 4, 2008

QUESTIONS ABOUT SUFFERING 1 Peter 1:13-14 says that we need to set out minds to action, be fully committed to Christ and be obedient – not being conformed to the former lusts of the body. What do you think Peter means when he says that we must set out minds to action? girding up the…

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By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 2, 2008

David was a great leader.  He had all the attributes we seek in the most worthy commanders.  He came up through the ranks, not from nobility.  He knew the heart of the people because he was one of them.  He showed courage from an early age.  He was not afraid to state his mind or…

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By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Feb 13, 2008

“Sunday Worship Service: 8:45 and 11:00 AM”.  The Reader-Board in front of the church announced the times for congregational assemblies.  Most of us think of this as “worship”, an English colloquialism that dominates the mindset of the religious devotees.  Part of the regulated organization of life.  Not for everyone (anymore) but at least for those…

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The Man of Athens – The Man of Jerusalem

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Feb 5, 2008

One of the reasons that we have such a hard time putting our faith into practice in the everyday work world is that we have never taken time to understand our own roots.  We are part of a heritage that reaches back to ancient Greece; thousands of years before Christ walked the Palestine pathways.  We…

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The irrelevant Christian

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Feb 5, 2008

As I left the sanctuary, I struggled with the gnawing feeling that I was missing something important.  Not something that I didn’t hear in the sermon.  No, what I was bothering me was something that God kept pointing to; something that was included the morning’s message about revival. Animated parishioners crowed around the coffee table. …

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