

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jan 11, 2008

1 Peter 5:7 One of the wonders of the Bible is that in spite of multiple writers, various historical periods and different cultural backgrounds, there are only a few themes that weave in and out of every book.  We can usefully picture these themes as threads woven into a great tapestry.  Every thread contributes to…

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Understanding the Paradigm: Inevitable Consequences

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jan 7, 2008

“In this world you have affliction” John 16:33 If you knew the whole picture, you might change your mind. Christianity as commonly presented in the Western world is a religion of reward.  We hear about the blessings of being a Christian.  We are exhorted to enter into the abundant life, to experience God’s gracious provision,…

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Some Thoughts on Prayer

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jan 5, 2008

The Talmud suggests that the definition of Man is “the creature who prays”.  This idea sets the stage for understanding what prayer really is.  Prayer is the defining characteristic of what it means to be human.  In other words, to be truly human is to be in communication with the Creator.  Men and women who…

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THE PROPHET: Proclaimer

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Jan 5, 2008

Long before the term “prophet” took on its contemporary meaning of predicting the future, the Greek term prophetes has a very different meaning.  In fact, until the Christian era after apostles refocused the meaning, it did not embody the concept of peering into the future at all.  Prophetes has its roots in the Greek culture…

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By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 23, 2007

Sometimes the teacher is more in need than the pupils.  For quite awhile, I have been disturbed by the experience of worship.  My wife and I have gone to many different church buildings (I deliberately use this expression to make the distinction between the church as an assembly of God believers and the place where…

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