
Sleeping with the Enemy

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 5, 2007

As is often the case, I find that the Greeks had a much deeper grasp of the essential elements of the concepts behind words that we now employ without much inner reflection.  We have become anaesthetized to the profound and often revealing connections lying hidden inside our language simply because we have been removed from…

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By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 4, 2007

“Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?” Life in the Spirit is a lot like proper punctuation.  There are rules that have to be followed.  The Bible often uses the analogy that our lives are like something written in a book.  Having God write your name in His book is…

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Sarah – A Life of Discontent

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 4, 2007

“God has made a joke of me”  Genesis 21:6 I don’t think we know the people of the Bible very well.  We are the victims of years of watered-down teaching.  The stories of the lives of our spiritual ancestors have been “sanctified”.  We know the triumphs of their faith, but we have little appreciation for…

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Romero and de Chardin

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 4, 2007

Two quotations: Above all, trust in the slow work of God.  We are, quite naturally, impatient in everything to reach the end without delay.  We should like to skip the intermediate stages.  We are impatient of being on the way to something unknown, something new, and yet it is the law of all progress that…

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Remember This:

By Skip Moen, Ph.D. | Mar 4, 2007

God won’t ask what kind of car you drove; He’ll ask how many people you drove who didn’t have transportation. God won’t ask the square footage of your house; He’ll ask how many people you welcomed into your home. God won’t ask about the clothes you had in your closet; He’ll ask how many you…

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