
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, that is, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, being understood by what has been made, so that they are without excuse.  Romans 1:20  NASB Without excuse – Consider an implication of Paul’s opening declaration.  No, not the usual one about how everyone should know…

Rent or Own

Heaven and earth shall praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in them.  For God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah, so that they may live there and possess it.  The descendants of His servants will inherit it, and those who love His name will live in it.  Psalm 69:34-36  NASB Live there and possess it –…

Prisoner of Faith

For the LORD listens to the needy, and His captives He has not despised.  Psalm 69:34 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Captives – Paul often introduces himself as doúlos christóu which is typically translated “bond-servant.”  But that’s not what it really means.  A doúlos is a slave—compulsory, bound service.  In the Greek world, this designation was…

You Need All You Can Get

The lowly have seen and rejoiced, those who seek God, let their hearts be strong.  Psalm 69:33 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Let – There are at least two ways to read this verse.  It depends on which meaning you attach to the wide umbrella Hebrew word ḥāyâ.  Here are some choices: “live, have life, remain…

Better Bull

Let me praise God’s name in song, and let me extol Him in thanksgiving.  And let it be better to the LORD than oxen, than a horned bull with it hooves.  Psalm 69:31-32 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Than oxen – There’s no problem with the translation here, or in most English Bibles.  The Hebrew is…

Saving Grace

But I am lowly and hurting.  Your rescue, O LORD, will protect me.  Psalm 69:30 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Rescue – By far the most common English rendition of this word is “salvation.”  Virtually all the popular English Bible use “May Your salvation” or something similar.  Given that the Hebrew is yĕšûʿât, it’s easy to…

Sponge Bob

Let them be wiped out from the book of life, and among the righteous let them not be written.  Psalm 69:29 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Be wiped out – First, let’s be clear about the technique.  “. . . erasures in ancient leather scrolls were made by washing or sponging off the ink rather than…

Punitive Damages

Add guilt upon their guilt, and let them have no part in Your bounty.  Psalm 69:28 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Guilt – In order to understand the ramifications of this Hebrew word—ʿāwōn—we need to read the explanation provided by Schultz: We note in the first place that the noun is a collective. Thus God says…