At Home in the Wilderness

Thus says the LORD, “The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness” Jeremiah 31:2 NASB Wilderness – Not everyone finds grace in the wilderness. God says that His people, the ones who have survived the sword, the ones He calls Israel, find something unexpected in the wilderness. They find grace. Imagine the…

At God’s Table

Then they spoke against God; they said, “Can God prepare a table in the wilderness?” Psalm 78:19 NASB Wilderness – Can He? Can God prepare a table in a place where no one can live? Life as it comes to us says, “No! God is not able to provide in the midst of our empty…


JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN’T SEE THIS ALREADY, I am sending it out again.  On September 2 the invitation with the pricing details will go out.   The first Israel Teaching Tour of 2015 was sold out in 18 hours.  There are at least 12 people on the waiting list in case someone cancels.  So…

A Montana Message

One of our community, Tom, lives in Montana.  He and his family have made a bold move for Torah obedience.  He wrote to me: “Prayer Request. We own a small ACE hardware and IGA grocery in Sheridan Montana, about 650 people, that my grandfather started in 1889. My brother, who is not a believer, just…


They wandered in the wilderness in a desert region  Psalm 107:4  NASB Desert Region – For most of us, the idea of wilderness recalls pictures of the Arizona desert or the Sahara or the Northern Territories. We think of wilderness as a place where men cannot live. But what we really mean is that men…

The Reason Why (2)

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you.” Isaiah 43:1b NASB Redeemed – gealtika. “I have redeemed you,” says God. The only reason that I am free of the “thou shalt fear” world is that God rescued me. I need this fact to sink deeply into my soul. Whenever my thoughts and behavior begin to…

The Reason Why (1)

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you.” Isaiah 43:1b NASB Redeemed – The world has no answer for fear. It has lots of suggestions, but none of them is sufficient. In fact, the world is actually based on fear. The world does not make sense without fear. And most of us buy into the…

Divine Saturation

And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. Genesis 1:31 NASB It was very good – How much of God’s creation was good? Before you give the correct theological answer (“All of it”), contemplate the implications for your…