
Listen, O heavens, and hear, O earth; For the LORD speaks, “Sons I have reared and brought up, but they have revolted against Me.”  Isaiah 1:2  NASB Revolted – God speaks to Israel and Judah, but His words have the same condemning impact on us.  “They have revolted” is the Hebrew pashoo.  The truth is…

Whom Does God Save?

“I, even I, am the LORD, and there is no savior besides Me.  Isaiah 43:11  NASB No savior – Isaiah’s proclamations concerning the Servant of the Lord are favorite verses among believers.  But the context makes these cherished statements much more difficult.  YHWH isn’t speaking to the Church.  He quite clearly states that His audience…

Taught by the Master

The LORD’s counsel is for those who fear Him, and His pact He makes known to them.  Psalm 25:14  Robert Alter translation Makes known – God keeps secrets.  He just doesn’t keep them from those He calls His own.  The counsel of YHWH is the Hebrew word sod.  You will recognize it as the last…

Messianic Expansion

His life will repose in bounty, and his seed will inherit the earth.  Psalm 25:13  Robert Alter translation Will inherit – When the ESV, NIV, NLT and NASB choose to translate ‘erets as “land,” we miss the vital connection between David’s poetry and Yeshua’s beatitude.  Translators may sometimes be justified in choosing “land” rather than…

Unsubscribe Warning

Recently I have received several requests from readers to add them back to the Today’s Word email list after they suddenly stopped getting the daily email.  Upon investigation, I discovered that they had “unsubscribed.”  But they really didn’t!  What happened is that they forwarded the email to someone else and that person didn’t like it…

The Holy Spirit in the Tanakh

Whosoever the man who fears the LORD, He will guide him in the way he should choose.  Psalm 25:12  Robert Alter translation Guide – “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will…

The Answer

For the sake of Your name, O LORD, may You forgive my crime, which is great.  Psalm 25:11  Robert Alter translation For the sake of – Why does God forgive?  What benefit accrues to Him for this act?  He has nothing to gain by forgiving those who despise and resist Him.  There is no guarantee…


All the LORD’s paths are kindness and truth for the keepers of His pact and His precepts.  Psalm 25:10  Robert Alter translation All – Do you really believe that all of YHWH’s ways are kindness and truth?  Are you just as likely to proclaim this with David when the plane crashes and everyone is killed,…


All the LORD’s paths are kindness and truth for the keepers of His pact and His precepts.  Psalm 25:10  Robert Alter translation Keepers – Think of the covenant like a trust fund with conditions.  All of God’s kindness and truth is available as a result of the trust He established.  But the benefits aren’t for…