On the Radio

I will do a live broadcast on Hebrew Nation Radio (there is an internet streaming site) from Salem, Oregon on MONDAY, JULY 8 at 8 AM Pacific (11 AM Eastern). I will be speaking about the formation of Christianity between 70AD and 350AD. Please tune in. Skip  

Cultural Grammar

At that time people began to call on the name of the LORD.  Genesis 4:26  ESV Name – Explain the grammatical connections and implications of calling someone’s name.  Let’s see.  In English (and also in Greek and most Indo-European languages), a name is a phonetic marker that represents some entity.  More importantly, it is an…

God’s Investment Strategy

If you buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve; and in the seventh he shall go out free, for nothing.  Exodus 21:2  Hebrew World Six years – Apparently God is not interested in profit; at least not in the same way that we are.  Imagine the ridiculous consequences of this Torah commandment.  Someone…


“The Rock!  His work is perfect, for all His ways are just;” Duet. 32:4  NASB Rock – The Hebrew word sur is used 75 times in the Old Testament.  Many of those uses are metaphorical.  Here, God is likened to a rock.  He is absolutely reliable, completely trustworthy and an unfailing source of strength.  The…

Israel 2014 UPDATE

The tour to Israel in April-May 2014 is SOLD OUT. If you sent in a form and your deposit before the spaces were gone, we will confirm your place with the tour in the next few days (although Roderick may have already given you the go ahead).  If you didn’t make the cut, you are…

Thinking About It

Blessed is he who considers the poor; YHWH does deliver him in a day of evil.  Tehillim 41:1  ISR Considers – Let’s think about the poor.  First we have to know what word Hebrew uses to describe the “poor” since there are four different words with this same English translation.  Here the word is dal. …

The Half-God Mistake

And there came near a man of Elohim and spoke to the sovereign of Yisra’el, and said, “Thus said YHWH, ‘Because the Arameans have said, “YHWH is Elohim of the hills, but He is not Elohim of the valleys,” therefore I shall give all this great company into your hand, and you shall know that…