What Do You Want? (1)

Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart.  Psalm 37:4  NASB Desires – The first word in this verse is a word that expresses the sheer enjoyment of the person of God.  When we delight in who God is an amazing transformation occurs.  Our lives progress toward fulfillment. …

Drawing Enemy Lines

you will be covered with shame, and you will be cut off forever  Obadiah 10  NASB Shame – The Hebrew word bushah is used only four times in the Old Testament.  It describes King David’s personal shame and distress and it describes the shame associated with the destruction under God’s judgment.  In Obadiah, the nation…

No Escape

For the day of the Lord draws near on all nations, as you have done it will be done to you.  Obadiah 15  NASB Draws near – The word here is not a verb but an adjective.  The word is qarob.  It is used to indicate something that is close at hand or about to…

SEATTLE AREA In-person events

To all my readers in the Great Northwest. At the gracious invitation of Beth Tikvah, I will be back in the Seattle area on June 29, 2013.  This allows me to meet with other groups around the Northwest at a much lower expense since I will be there for the conference/speaking at Beth Tikvah. IF…

Impulse Evangelism

And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  Matthew 4:19  NASB Follow – When the Church reflects the culture, watch out!  The methods, practices and principles of the Church are to be devoted to God’s instruction and direction.  But too often what seems to work so well in…

A Good Laugh

After I posted my opinion about the re-election of Obama, I started getting emails from outside the community.  Most were courteous disagreement, although more than one called me a racist.  But one in particular came from a Ph.D. Hispanic Cuban immigrant who said he went to seminary and taught history for 30 years at a…

A Good Death

May it never be!  How shall we who have died to sin still live in it?  Romans 6:2  NASB Died – Let’s talk about death.  Not a pleasant topic, but an inevitable one.  In Greek thought, death (thanatos) is a natural process that happens to all living entities.  While there is a certain type of…

Manna From Heaven (4)

November 12  What say we say then?  Are we to continue in sin that grace may increase?  Romans 6:1  NASB Sin –  YHWH is a God of order.  The Genesis account of creation is a bugle blast sounding order in the cosmos.  Everything that YHWH does demonstrates ordered purpose.  And the patterns that YHWH puts…

UPDATE ON IRENE in South Africa

For everyone who is following the story about Irene, please read. 1.  I will be back in South Africa in about 10 days.  I am planning to see Irene and her family and do more interviews and video 2. IF YOU MADE ANY CONTRIBUTION toward Irene’s needs, PLEASE SEND ME A SMALL PICTURE OF YOURSELF…