What Word Would You Choose?

So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.  Genesis 3:23  NIV Banished – Most of us develop our theology from visual imagery.  We think of the Garden as an idyllic place and the expulsion from the Garden as something utterly tragic.  Notice…

A Woman’s Doxology

For a man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man.  1 Corinthians 11:7  NASB Glory – What an exegetical disaster we have made of Paul’s off-hand remark!  What nonsense, what heresy we have perpetrated upon women as a…

Mid-stream Corrections

I was wrong.  Today a friend sat across the table from me and said, “Your teaching is wonderful and terrible.”  When he explained, I realized that I was wrong.  You see, I have been so intent on focusing on the meaning of the text that I often made people feel as if their experience with…

Corrupting God’s Image

I said, “You are gods, and all of you are sons of the Most High, nevertheless you will die like men, and fall like any one of the princes.”  Psalm 82:6-7  NASB Fall – Why do we fall?  Unless we know the conditions of our demise, we may never recognize the traps that corrupt God’s…

Not Human

And Elohim said, “Let them swarm the waters a swarm of life . . .”  Genesis 1:20 (my translation) Swarm – Genesis 1:20 describes God’s formation of the life of the sea and the air and everything that creeps on the earth.  We take it for granted that these creatures are distinctively different from human…


Just in case you ever wondered about God’s glory, here is a shot of the sun with 94% of the surface covered by the moon.  Without special filters, this is still way too much light to look at or capture in digital.  And even with the filter, at 160th of a second there is still…

Exchange Rate

And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass.  Revelation 21:21 NASB Gold – You’ve heard the advertisements, I’m sure.  “In a volatile economy, gold is your only real safety net.”  “Gold!  It has never been worth nothing.  Experts say it may even double in the next years.”  “Gold is security in…

The Desert

In Scripture, the desert is a significant place and an important theme.  It is the place where God is found when men realize they cannot live without Him.  Each of us must make a trip to the desert, and wander until we learn that reliance on Him is the only means of sustaining our lives….