Beginning Again

As we start a new Roman calendar year of exploration, it might be useful to give a short summary of what we have learned so far.  A few critical points emerge: 1.  Any approach to understanding the writings of the New Testament must recognize the thorough saturation of the Tanakh and first century Jewish beliefs…


“nothing is necessary except one thing, and Miryam has chosen the good portion that will not be taken from her.”  Luke 10:42  Delitzsch Hebrew Gospels Except one thing – The last day of this solar year brings me to a page of notes, items that I wanted to write about but didn’t get to this…

Measure for Measure

“He who joyfully bears the chastisements that befall him brings salvation to the world”  Rabbi Joshua ben Levi,  Talmud, Tractate Ta’anith 8a Middah k’neged middah – Soon the world of the solar calendar will prepare for reassessment of the past year and preparation for the next.  Rabbi Joshua b. Levi’s insight from the Talmud is…

New Testament Commentary

“Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers’ hands?”  Luke 10:36  NASB Proved to be – It’s a matter of DNA.  Spiritual DNA, in this case.  You would know that if you read the Greek text.  The choice for the verb here is…

Why Does God Save?

Rise up, be our help, and redeem us for the sake of Your lovingkindness.  Psalm 44:26  NASB For the sake of – Let’s think about salvation.  Some Hebraic ideas help us clarify the notion that salvation is about forgiveness of sins and eternal life.  We should note that the Hebrew idea of salvation is associated…

UP go the Prices

Well, it was inevitable.  We have held prices firm from the first book on the list, but as production and shipping costs have risen, now we are going to raise prices on all my books starting January.  The increase won’t be a lot, but if you want to get one of the books you don’t…

Beating a Dead Horse?

The LORD said, “I have surely seen the affliction of My people who are in Egypt, and have given heed to their cry because of their taskmasters, for I am aware of their sufferings.  So I have come down to deliver them from the power of the Egyptians,”  Exodus 3:7-8a  NASB Deliver – Did God…