Talking the Walk

Today I had opportunities to speak with several readers around the country.  I wish each one of you could have listened to the conversations.  I am beginning to see just how important we are to each other, and how many of us need someone to lean on.  So, if you feel that you can act…

The Patient Gardener

“and if it bears fruit next year, fine; but it not, cut it down.” Luke 13:9 NASB Next year – Is it next year?  Has God been patiently fertilizing, pruning and watering you so that you might produce?  Has the time come for His harvest?  Only you can answer this question, but woe to the…

Monica Wrote To Us – All of Us

I got this email from Monica: “We have felt so very isolated during this time of travelling in the deep valley. Thank you again for your prayers. Without prayer-where would we be? Without God’s faithfulness, lovingkindness and mercy-where would I be? I am touched to know my “family” does care. I have not experienced even…

Ears to Hear

“He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in him.” John 6:56 NASB Eat/ Drink – Pagan religions of the ancient world believed that eating the flesh of an enemy or drinking the blood of an enemy transported the power of the enemy to the one eating or drinking. …

Let's Talk

Hi Everyone, In the last few days, I have been calling people in the community to be sure that all of us know about burdens and victories among the community.  Each conversation has been a real treat and in the process I have been blessed. But I discovered that I don’t have phone numbers for…

Gloss – olalia

“Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden and whom God has hedged in?” Job 3:23  NASB Why is light given to – If you check the Hebrew text, you will find something quite unusual.  None of these “translated” words have any Hebrew counterpart.  The Hebrew text simply begins, “To the man.” …

God in the Dark

“Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden and whom God has hedged in?” Job 3:23  NASB Hidden – We all want to know what’s really happening.  Too bad life doesn’t tell us.  That’s pretty much the summary of real human existence.  I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow.  Neither do…

Poetic Imagery

For the lead player, on jonath elem rehokim, a David michtam, when the Philistines seized him in Gath. Psalm 56:1 (Hebrew text translated R. Alter) jonath elem rehokim – In your English Bible, this verse probably isn’t numbered.  In addition, your Bible probably offers some phrase about a dove or murmurs to something at a…