Prayer Request

Dr. Moen. Hi my name is Ed Harris. I am a student at Master’s in the graduate program. My area of Study is Biblical Leadership. I have an urgent request. I need prayer concerning finances. I have been unemployed for 2 years, and have exhausted all benefits. If God doesn’t intervene and send forth provisions,…

Lectures on the Foundations of Systematic Theology

Here are six lectures based on Millard Erickson’s Christian Theology. These lectures do not discuss doctrinal issue. Instead they focus on the epistemological, hermeneutical and metaphysical issues that underlie the project of forming a systematic theology. Erickson’s work is just the springboard for these discussions. These lectures will be useful to anyone who wonders how…

A Time to Help

I got this email from Ellen today. This is Ellen McFarland from Clearwater. I feel really badly for asking this, especially when you have helped me before, but my car just needed  work to the tune of $900.00, and once again I can’t afford it.  I am so tired of living like this, for I…

Emotional Wreckage

“He has walled up my way so that I cannot pass, and He has put darkness on my paths.” Job 19:8  NASB Walled Up – The great difference between a believer and a non-believer is perspective.  The non-believer’s worldview is filled with help-myself actions.  The prayers of non-believers are really attempts to get some divine…

Words of Life?

Then Job responded, “How long will you torment me and crush me with words?” Job 19:1-2  NASB Crush – “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have words of eternal life.”  Perhaps Job’s friends needed to listen to Peter.  They came to “comfort” Job but they ended up breaking him to pieces with their words. …

Success Plan

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. Psalm 103:11  (Hebrew World) So great – If you want the revamped lyrics to this psalm, turn to Romans 8:38-39.  Death, life, angels, principalities, present, future, powers, height, depth or anything in the created universe…

All Mixed Up

He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. Psalm 103:10  (Hebrew World) According to our sins – How do you want God to deal with you?  Should He stand you before the royal throne and bring a microscope to your life?  Should He demand an account…

Prepositional Problems

But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; Isaiah 53:5  NASB For – “Don’t get me started.”  Someone should have restrained me when I began to investigate the idea of sacrifice in the Hebrew text.  Not only have I discovered that there is a connection between blood sacrifice and…


Everyone I have been without work for some time now. I am in construction!  I have an interview on Wednesday for the position of facilities manager at 10:30AM. I ask that you pray for me to be a great fit and God go before me. I really could use a job, I have a family…