
And the Angel of YHWH appeared to him in the flame of fire from the middle of a thorn bush. Exodus 3:2 Appeared – Do you practice reading the Scriptures with an Hebraic worldview?  Once the dawning occurs, and we realize that God chose Hebrew on purpose, then we will want to read the text…

Invitation from Adelaide, Australia

Dr. Skip Moen is visiting Adelaide , South Australia on Saturday October 23rd, and would like to meet with local members of the Today’s Word community. We will be meeting with him at Coastlands International Christian Church, Blackwood campus, 236 Shepherds Hill Rd, Blackwood SA, Oct 23rd at 1:30pm,followed by an afternoon tea. Please bring…

LXX Alterations

That I not be full and deny You and say, “Who is YHWH?” or that I not be in want and steal, and profane the name of my God. Proverbs 30:9 Who Is YHWH? – The LXX (Septuagint) is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures.  Finished some 200 years before the birth of Yeshua,…

Under The Covers

When YHWH first spoke through Hosea, YHWH said to Hosea, “Go, take to yourself a wife of harlotry, and have children of harlotry;  . . .” Hosea 1:2 Wife of Harlotry – Did God really tell Hosea to go find a prostitute to marry?  That’s what the translation suggests and that is what most of…

Yada, Yada, Yada (2)

YHWH is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him. Nahum 1:7 Knows – Yada, the Hebrew verb for all kinds of knowing.  From the intimacy of sexual intercourse to the exact count of coins in a bag, yada underscores our appreciation for the Hebrew unity…

Yada, Yada, Yada (1)

For I desired loyal love, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. Hosea 6:6 Knowledge of God – Heschel points out that Hosea coins this expression, daath Elohim.  The translation, “knowledge of God,” doesn’t do justice to the prophetic sense Hosea desires his audience to feel.  That’s because yada (to…

Doing Without

Better is a little with righteousness than great income with injustice. Proverbs 16:8 Injustice – Some things we can do without.  This proverb tells us that one of those things is belo mishpat.  We can do without “without justice.”  While our translation provides us with the correct English equivalent, the Hebrew thought is made up…

Yom Kippur

Do You Trust Him? Yom Kippur.  On this day I have a chance to review my relationship with the Lord, to look deeply into the commitment I have made.  What I find upsets me.  What I find is riddled with compromise and conditions.  I am not a man of clean hands and a pure heart. …