From Cheryl on Today’s Webinar

I had the pleasure of participating in a group gathering for Dr. Skip Moen’s Hebrew Word Study Group from “At God’s Table” Ministry. This is a community of believers daring to investigate and think about what they believe from a truly Biblical Perspective with other believers across denominational and faith barriers.  I hope you will check it out….

Red LIght Warning

The heart is the most deceitful of all things, and it is desperately sick.  Who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9 Deceitful – I have been reading Oswald Chambers for fourteen years.  It amazes me that I can read the same page year after year and find something new there each time.  Perhaps it is a…

The Future In My Past

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know fully just as I also have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Have Been Fully Known – Too often we read this verse as if it is a declaration of divinely-promised IQ…

Two-Minute Warning

preach the word, be urgent in season, out of season, reprove, warn, encourage with all long-suffering and teaching Preach – We often hear this verse used to support evangelistic activity.  We are urged to follow Paul’s exhortation.  Get out there and tell everyone the good news.  Time is short.  Many are lost.  We must hurry….

Call Of Duty

And leading them outside, he said, “Sirs, what must I do that I may be saved?” Acts 16:30 Must – As I look back on some things written, I find this: “A growing sense of aloneness accompanies nearly every moment of my day.  My social connections to comrades and friends offer peripheral distraction, but do…

REMINDER – Free Webinar

If you didn’t see the announcement that you can sign up for a free 1 hour discussion this coming Thursday, go here.  We will join others around the world to talk about living the Hebraic model in daily practice, plus some other interesting bits and pieces.  Hope you will join us. Skip

Being Deceived About the Sabbath

My friend and colleague Barry Jenkins wrote the following: In 2001, Dr. John MacArthur Jr., the pastor of Grace Community Church, was asked are the Sabbath laws binding on Christians today. He responded as follows: “We believe the Old Testament regulations governing Sabbath observances are ceremonial, not moral, aspects of the law. As such, they…