Going, going, gone

Thank you for your wonderful support of Lessons From Israel.  Now there are only 9 copies left. If you are considering purchasing these excellent videos taken in Israel with Bob Gorelik and me, then now is the time.  There are no plans to make any more of them.  So, please, don’t delay.  Order them now…

What Time Is It?

O give thanks to YHWH, for He is good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting. Psalm 107:1 Is Everlasting – How long will God’s hesed last?  The psalmist answers, ki le-olam hasdo (for the very long time his lovingkindness).  But olam is quite an unusual word.  It doesn’t always mean a long time in the future. …

Right Or Left

Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Psalm 34:14 Depart – Many Hebrew concepts involve physical motion of the body.  For example, the Hebrew idea of grace or benevolence involves turning the face in my direction.  “Make His face to shine upon me” is a Hebrew idiom for gracious relationship.  In…

Life On Purpose

Who is the man who desires life and loves length of days that he may see good? Psalm 34:13 See – Can you name the man whose passion is for good?  That’s at the heart of David’s question.  This man has purpose and that purpose is to see good all his days.  Let’s go back…

A Passion For Good Living

Who is the man who desires life and loves length of days that he may see good? Psalm 34:13 (numbered according to the Hebrew text) Life – Are you a person who desires life and yearns for what is good?  Before you answer, you might want to take a careful look at this verse.  While…


The young lions have lacked and been hungry, but those who seek YHWH shall not lack any good thing.  Psalm 34:11 Those Who Seek – The Hebrew word vedorshei might be translated “but those who seek,” but such a translation converts the Hebrew grammar into English grammar.  You see, vedorshei is the combination of a…

Nehemia Gordon on Matthew

You are in for a treat.  On Wednesday, May 13, I was able to attend a meeting with Nehemia Gordon.  He kindly allowed me to record his discussion of his two books, The Hebrew Yeshua vs. the Greek Jesus and A Prayer To Our Father.  The lecture was very intriguing.  I am sure you will…

An Internal Paradox

Taste and see that the Lord is good, happy the man who shelters in Him. Psalm 34:9  (R. Altar translation) The Man – What kind of man shelters in the Lord?  What kind of man runs to God for rescue?  Our first response might be “a man in trouble.”  Behind that answer is the assumption…