Loose Torah

Loose Torah Some time ago I posed a question to Rabbi Bob Gorelik about keeping Sabbath.  The question was:  “I often have to travel to teach, and many times I end up with schedules that require me to fly on Sabbath.  How can I resolve this with the instructions about the Sabbath?” I think Bob’s…

Intentional Righteousness

But we should not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap, if we do not faint. Galatians 6:9 In Due Time – We want to do good.  It’s part of the natural expression of Christ within.  Goodness is an essential attribute of the character of God, so those who have…

Where Yeshua Walks

These images dramatically contrast Singapore and Malaysia.  These two places are less than 20 miles apart, yet they might as well be on different planets.  Comfortable, pleasant, big, wealthy Singapore stands as a towering icon of capitalism.  But right across the border is another world – a world left to survive in squalor.  These are…

Jude’s Psalm

O YHWH, how great are Your works!  Your thoughts are very deep!  A senseless man does not know, and a fool does not understand this. Psalm 92:5-6 Senseless Man – Perhaps Christmas day should be a day of serious reflection, not on the birth of the Messiah but on the foolishness of Man.  How far…


Today I had the honor and pleasure of accompanying my friend, Anthony Hodge, while we took food to many elderly and sick people in his home town.  Anthony is the sole force behind Finding the Lost Sheep.  His is a story of God’s direct hand of intervention in a life going down the drain.  I…

Biblical IQ

All this I have tested by wisdom:  I said, “I will be wise;” but it was far from me. Ecclesiastes 7:23 Far From Me – Tonight Christendom celebrates a great mystery.  It doesn’t matter for the moment that Christians are generally ignorant of the true history of this night.  We can correct our mistaken dates…

The Reason for the Season

And the shepherds were in the same country, living in the fields, and keeping guard over their flocks by night Luke 2:8 Living In The Fields – By now you probably realize that Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of the Messiah.  There are plenty of textual clues indicating that Yeshua could not…

The Hidden God

“Yet these things you have concealed in Your heart; I know that this is within You.” Job 10:13 Concealed – Job’s complaint is our complaint.  In the time of his crisis, he cries out to God.  “I loathe my life.  You made me, Lord.  You know everything about me.  You understand me right to the…